Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Completing the Stylistic Stickers

It has been over a year since I posited the idea for having a certain "complete set" of a certain kind of stylistic Pokémon stickers, specifically those obtained from conventions. Since then, there's been a lot of ups and downs in dealing with the convention scene (and my life scene), but thanks to picking up more of the stickers from another edition of a convention where I got some of these stickers, at this point, I can say that I now have such a complete set of stickers, and further, a means of showing them off.

This "sticker collage" shows off that complete set with a neat presentation. The new stickers I obtained since the last time are obviously the Ash and Raihan stickers on the upper corners, in addition to the Eevee, Torchic, Turtwig, and Froakie stickers. This fulfills the "triple-triple" of selected starter Pokémon - three types three times for the nine extant generations, shown here in a square. Above that, there are Pikachu and Eevee "leading the pack". Overall, the selection is also just as neat as the presentation.

Still, I also ended up with two leftover stickers (not shown here) that I thought could complete the stickers but wasn't able to make them work. They were of Piplup and Fennekin; if I had wanted to make them work, I would have needed a Treecko sticker to satisfy the constraints and sub for the representative generations as in the above collage... but I didn't think long and hard enough to determine this course of action nor pass it on to Ash for execution. The arrangement as above may be just as well.

By the way, this "sticker collage" is admittedly an effective and artistic way of displaying stickers, especially ones that one doesn't want to display anywhere else for certain reasons. I'm certain to make more of them, in particular with Pokémon stickers I get from conventions and festivals. This then would include the two leftover stickers as above, though the results for those wouldn't be evident until some time ahead. It'll take a few more stickers and a bit of mental willpower before it'll surely be ready.

After a long time, I managed to complete a collection of these particularly stylistic Pokémon stickers and even discover a way of displaying them. There will still be some ups and downs in the scene of conventions and my sending of Ash to them, but now I know what I can prepare Ash to obtain from them in order to have a piece of something (related to Pokémon) from them, which I can then assemble in certain ways to make something artistic of my own while celebrating their own inherent artistic quality.

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