Thursday, September 26, 2024

Only Here, Only Now

'Cause it's OK for you to be with me
The one beside me is the one who's close to me
Just like that time, unchanging since so long ago
And for the last time, only today
We're together in this silly love of ours
Until the sun fades in the distance...
-- "Only Today", free-translated lyrics

I'd written about two idol songs that in the process of a certain local journey became "adjacent" to Pokémon, and now I'd like to write about (and add) one more. The process is the same: thanks to JKT48 performing the (local version of the) song as part of their setlist - specifically on the Sunday show, which I (Ash) had the chance to see - and certainly with Pikachu in tow, the "adjacency" became apparent. It's also a bit of an odd song of sorts, which does make the "adjacency" a little odd as well.

As with many of the group's repertoire, the song is adapted from its Japanese counterpart (by AKB48) with the same title. While the Japanese version seems to be a "minor hit" compared to the group's other hit songs, the local version seems to be much more popular and can be considered a "flagship" song of the group's "New Era"; its fan chant seems to be "locally adapted" in that regard as well. Of course, adapting the performance to include four Pikachu became the next step, and a fancy one at that.

Now, the song can be loosely described as a "breakup song", based on both its Japanese and local lyrics, and the free translation of the first chorus above adopts facets of both. Yet, it's a rather happy song, which means the parties of the "breakup" seem content with each other; the song is pretty much an expression of that feeling. As for tying all this into Pokémon, even if not related to love, some experiences detailed in the song may pertain to Pokémon friends past and present, and breakup or not, they're nice to be imagined.

By now , the local offshoot of the popular Japanese idol group may be considered to have an "intimate" (ahem) relationship with Pokémon - still something that needs to be explored separately - and the recent performance of this song seems to illustrate some of that quality well. Hopefully, that may not be an "only here, only now" situation as the song (and title of this post) may suggest, but one that lasts for a long time - even if only in the minds of (local) fans - for whatever new experiences Pokémon and the group may bring. 

Two years ago: The Original Dance Mix

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