Friday, September 27, 2024

Fascinated by TCG Art Varieties

As the last post in my coverage of TCG matters this month by "four fours", I want to discuss about the art on the cards for them. It's not intended to be an exhaustive post, for I do not have such a reach with the TCG, at least not yet. Instead, I've opted to discuss my interest and intrigue - that is, fascination - with that art, given its dazzling variety. And that dazzling variety lends the fascination a certain weight. 

Many non-Energy cards have the common art in a frame design, but that doesn't mean they can't be dazzling. I'm particularly fascinated by how landscapes and environments are depicted in these cards, which could be unique: for example, a set of recent Pokémon cards have landscape backgrounds that are interconnected to others in the set, and form a big image when arranged in such a way. Additionally, I'm also intrigued with how certain people (characters) are depicted in Supporter cards as well as what poses are selected for them -including whether they are standing or sitting. These characteristics can be very insightful, and that makes them fascinating.

Of course, some cards have art that "breaks out" of these frames, but still mostly occupying the upper half. For Pokémon cards, this causes them to lose their framed descriptions, but it's a small price to pay to see this form of expanded art. Even so, in this case, I have to say that I'm more fascinated by cards that show entire Pokémon and/or those that are not showing them in their non-attacking form, which could be rare at times since most are inevitably neither. 

Then, there are the cards with full art in the main card body, which are also as diverse in art styles as they are diverse in their card types. Some Pokémon cards in particular can appear understated, at least relatively, and I would be fascinated to use them in an actual battle, leaving the more "busy" ones for purely to be included in my collection (that is, not for battling purposes). Other cards of other types - for example, Professor's Research cards - with art like this would also be fair game for myself, if I ever obtain and get to use them physically. The fascination is still present regardless.

I leave off the TCG topic for this month's "four fours" with the remark that there is still much for me to discover after rarely interacting with this Pokémon realm all these years. That also applies well to all of these art kinds on TCG cards, which I will surely discover more of with continued play. That too is fascinating in and of itself.

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