Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Why Do I Still Play Pokémon Unite?

One of my gaming circles, which every once in a while becomes active with a flurry of activity, had one of its members mention Pokémon Unite recently. It was rather out of the blue, and besides being a friend of mine, that member also happens to be what I've explained in the past as an "occasional (seasonal) gamer". The mention provoked reactions, through which I've learned that others have stopped playing for certain reasons, and by this I realize that I still do play. As such, I am compelled to write up a post in the style of a specific post from about a year ago on a different game, but this time focusing on Pokémon Unite.

A big reason that I still play is that the game had become (and is now presently) a World Championship game, and that teams for it are still all the rage and seeking "new blood", even if this doesn't seem to be apparently the case. Therefore, I'd like to see myself as contributing (or being able to do so) in this regard, much like I've done in the past for main series VGC and now concurrently with Pokémon Go PvP. While it seems my prowess is not yet evident or seemingly lacking, just like those two, it can be developed and has to be if I wish to make further contributions - and I still do. It may take the right momentum, but it may just happen.

Even if (intense) competitive play may not be in my future, the aspect of togetherness is, and this is what I billed in yet another post from the past year about aspects adjacent to that. I want to be able to whip out the game in the company of those who play and be able to hit up those who play for a match - which has indeed happened a few times. This too is precisely the reason why I have the game installed on my phone, so this can happen at a moment's notice, even though playing on the Switch may also be possible if I happen to carry it. The gameplay aspect remains crucial here despite other factors in play.

Ultimately, a big reason that I still play is that I'm always looking out for things to cover on this blog (thus, "content"), as with any other Pokémon ventures - similar to the recent foray (of "rediscovery") that I've had with the TCG. Though my skills - and possibly knowledge - might be subpar to some with higher levels of these, they could still be more than expected among other Pokémon fans, and I still want to present some of that along with my perspectives. This blog is to continue in some way at present after all, so it's natural to continue to fill it with Pokémon things and fit in personal takes and pertinent info as much as possible. 

If anything, the mention of Pokémon Unite in that gaming circle becomes a reminder that the interests of Pokémon fans are varied, even if that interest seems to fade in and out among them according to the developments in the franchise - particularly games, for which one of those games (Pokémon Unite) is tied to the context of this post. Its intense competitiveness yet penchant for togetherness, along with its similarity to modern competitive games, brings the continued appeal for me to play it, and of course to try to furnish as much about it (and other things) in writing as I can on this blog.

One year ago: Another Pokémon Watch
Five years ago: This Is It
Seven years ago: Pokkén BanaPassports

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