Tuesday, September 17, 2024

More Waypoint Usage in Pokémon Go?

As explained, the entry of Dynamax into Pokémon Go also necessitates the entry of new overworld locations called "Power Spots". After having subsisted on PokéStops and Gyms since practically the very beginning, in particular by way of certain specific guidelines that govern their appearance, the entry of these new locations could be considered as surprising, given their usage of Waypoints - the points that determine PokéStops and Gyms in Pokémon Go, and other locations across Niantic Gyms - and a little more beyond that. Thus, this post is directed to consider how Waypoints may be able to be used further in Pokémon Go, and in particular in light of the new locations.

But first, it's helpful to discuss how Power Spots are manifested. Many of these locations as they appear in Pokémon Go appear to use Waypoints that didn't (or couldn't) become PokéStops due to having another Waypoint in a close range take precedence as a more or less permanent PokéStop or Gym... so long as, of course, certain players don't "tamper with" or report them. For instance, I've identified Power Spots that are accepted Waypoints resulting from my nominations, which means they're indeed being put to use - just not as PokéStops or Gyms. But then, there are also Power Spots that indicate certain businesses, and they appear to be pulled from a certain map database rather than accepted Waypoints, unless another Niantic game (e.g. Ingress) could provide concurrence on their state. And as noted, Power Spots are not permanent, so identifying the ones to be used next may be a luck of the draw.

For the matter of further using Waypoints in Pokémon Go, Power Spots obviously provide one answer. Other answers may have to depend on the nature of the location that would use the Waypoint, whether it would be for battling or non-battling purposes. Since Power Spots involve battling, the next new kind of location could be one with a non-battling purpose, like advancing a certain progress temporarily - let's say, hatching Eggs, of which one possibly important one could be implemented at a certain time in the future. A Pokémon Showcase is presently bound to a PokéStop, but there might be a possibility, however remote, of having them temporarily at certain Waypoints much like how Power Spots are right now. Still other possibilities might require contemplation to be manifested.

Then, there is the question of the reference points, in light of the apparent usage of "external points" by Power Spots. Extra Waypoints in a closer range to a PokéStop or Gym are still fair game now for new location types even with Power Spots, as there could be many of them and not even all are used as Power Spots. Yet, having some "external points" but not many more in order to promote usage of internal ones - as in, players nominating more objects and having them become accepted as Waypoints - is a useful tactic until they could all use internal points, which may be considered an expectation.

Out of all the possibilities that could occur on the overworld of Pokémon Go, having new locations - in this case, Power Spots - that utilize existing Waypoints (and more) may have been a remote one, but it has nevertheless been realized. With that, the possibilities of other new locations that will likely utilize existing Waypoints are not so far out and could stand to be realized, yet still with the above considerations, including those of Power Spots. They will also truly expand the game, much as with the necessitated entry of Dynamax.

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