Saturday, September 14, 2024

Pokémon Go Community Day, 9/14/2024

This edition of Community Day could be described as being "strange" in more ways than one, so this writeup seems to be necessitated to have strangeness as well. There are also a few strange things over the course of its local execution, but those will be handled a little later. What is clear is that Community Day is often not a time of horsing around, even if the featured Pokémon are, well... horses. That should be considered a big clue to what this Community Day entails (ahem) for what it offers.

Obviously, the featured Pokémon for this Community Day is Ponyta: both its Kanto (classical, common) form and its Galarian form. Thus, it's one edition that uses the relatively uncommon - perhaps also "strange" - "double-double" format of a single species with two regional forms of two evolutionary stages. Both of the evolved forms of Rapidash get the same exclusive move, Wild Charge, an Electric-type Charged move that contrasts their types (Fire, Psychic/Fairy), and thus likely to have uses in PvP. They're complemented by the main triple Stardust catch bonus, a boon for those looking to power up things for any purpose.

Everything else is as one would expect, but some bits are also strange. Double Candy and Candy XL chance, extended Lure Modules and Incense, extra Special Trade and trading discounts, extra Ponyta raids and photo bombs, Field Research and showcases, item bundles galore on the Web Store and in-game shop, and the usual host of special stickers are the expected bits and the least strange ones. The most strange ones concern the extra Special Research - as usual, paid or "given" - which is only titled according to this month's edition and features no commentary (banter) from Professor Willow, both of which are somewhat strange yet to some extent reasonable due to certain factors best reserved for other writeups.

Having said all that, the rest of this writeup will be carried out in discussion...

Me: ...because as usual, there could be other strange things about.

Goh: Well, you must have sent Ash, then. That's not so strange.

Ash: Yeah! But I was just in my base outfit today. 

Pikachu: Pika chu pika! ["Still looks good!"]

Me: I received info of somewhere else I could have sent you, but I can't ascertain fully - and my other Pokémon outfits are getting old anyway. So why not as well. 

Ash: It was a nice match with Ponyta.

Goh: Sure was. How many did you catch and evolve?

Ash: I caught a lot! I evolved mostly good ones for battling plus a Shiny one for each.

Me: Great! That's pretty much most of what we needed this time. The others are just nice to have. What about giveaways?

Ash: Didn't work out this time - and I don't think you'd want the prizes.

Me: OK, so no big deal.

Ash: But the group picture worked out this time.

Goh: Right, after the last time it didn't work out, which was kind of strange.

Ash: About that, I was told the postcards are late and didn't make it. It had something to do with... a big event?

Goh: Oh, now that's interesting. I don't suppose our friend knows about this?

Me: Oh, I might know something... and I might have some plans. But as they say - hold your horses.

Goh: I think it would be awesome if it could work out.

Ash: I think so too.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu. ["Would be nice."]

Me: I do believe so. We'll run with it somehow - just like how the Ponyta run free today.

Ash, Goh: Haha!!

One year ago: Watch What I Say
Two years ago: Into the Deep Blue
Three years ago: Dancing with Pokémon
Five years ago: The Appeal of the TCG
Six years ago: A Pokémon Watch
Seven years ago: Three's Demise

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