Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Peak of Shared Skies

First of all, I'd like to precede by saying that there are two happenings this weekend that would usually be a prime highlight, but since today is the end of the Pokémon Go season and tomorrow is the start of the next one, I've decided to let those two take precedence instead. Back to the matter of the end of the season, its moniker is "Shared Skies", and that suggests a lot of things, both for Pokémon Go as the namesake and for Pokémon in general. As usual, this end-of-season post will try to cover both.

Considering Pokémon Go, the content is (and was) sky-high, although some had errors that were also sky-high and thus had do-overs that in turn were sky-high as well. Because this season also being the typical season for Pokémon Go Fest, said event was necessitated to be sky-high nonetheless, and it also was. As for the "shared" element, that comes naturally for that big event, but every featured Pokémon had to vie for the spotlight somehow - and they did, sharing their places with others in or under the sky.

As for other Pokémon happenings, this also becomes the typical season for the World Championships, and that's a usual way of "sharing the skies" for all Pokémon games - at least, the majority that fans play and compete against - including and beyond Pokémon Go. Yet it did seem special and apropos given its location and its goings-on there. Past that, the other games could be construed to have their fill of happenings in a shared sky.

Though not always certain or evident, if this season has anything to say, the (Pokémon) skies are often open for things to fill and share that space. That means the species and people who deal with them, in a literal sense, but also means the interactions that occur among them, which are reflected in the happenings. The openness would also reflect the continuity of all things Pokémon and their fans - even by the act of my writing this post at this very moment.

Certainly, in line with the theme of the season, the happenings - even as related to Pokémon as they are - that I've chosen to let slide in coverage for now also share the same sky as other Pokémon happenings. They'll wait for their time to be shared, but share they do, and in fact always will, with the sky the way it is.

Meanwhile, the next season, the one that starts tomorrow and I've chosen to explicitly preview at the moment, might be considered a furthering of this season's theme. It would involve taking things to the sky - in fact, as far away as they can be taken. That could seem to be the only way to go, no matter on land, sea, and indeed, sky.

Two years ago: The Peak of Go
Three years ago: The Peak of Discoveries
Four years ago: Pokémon: Twilight Wings
Six years ago: Solidarity Making
Seven years ago: Reunions!

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