Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Looking at Myself as a Pokémon Fan

I've been a Pokémon fan from pretty much since nearly the beginning, and writing up posts on this blog for a long time. By all means, that's a pretty long stretch of time for either case. As such, sometimes I have to consider myself in light of everything that has happened since that time, especially if circumstances prompt me to do as such. One such circumstance has recently come to light, and it's a bit of a serious one (though I won't mention it). While it doesn't make me question my appreciation of Pokémon as a whole, it does seem to be telling me to look at and think about myself and how that can still manifest my appreciation of Pokémon.

My reflection suggests that I'm still cut out to be a Pokémon fan, even if I'm not the person I was from a few years ago or even many, many years ago when everything (and particular forms of appreciation) began. I look at myself, and I can tell that I've changed as Pokémon has changed, in some parts in unexpected ways, which applies equally well for the both of us. It's just the way that it is with time - yet it seems hard for time to detach any spirit of appreciation, for as long as a life force still exists within me. Whatever else that Pokémon may bring in time will likely be able to serve me in whatever state I am, as well as that of Pokémon itself.

Admittedly, this discussion is partially inspired by a certain musical piece - only distantly related to Pokémon, but nevertheless provides the background for the discussion. It's from a composer I've mentioned numerous times on this blog - Yanni - and it's a contemplative and sentimental one. Aptly, it's titled "In the Mirror", which is why the keywords of this post are "look" and "reflection" as above, and leads to the contemplation of myself along with Pokémon. I seem to have to reach deep into my mental state as well as my affairs with Pokémon, and this piece helped in that regard.

Sometimes, it seems that it is necessary to look at myself, both physically and mentally, and the recent circumstance - which does involve a Pokémon aspect - may be considered one such trigger for doing so. For this longtime fan, each novelty that Pokémon brings is like a wave that washes over me, and once I'm awash, it only serves me well to look at my own self, if  that doesn't already happen by way of circumstances like the one I refer to but not mention (and will likely never, due to its gravity). As far as I'm concerned, though, my gravitas lies with Pokémon, and that doesn't need to be looked into.

Five years ago: Who's That...
Six years ago: Worldly Reverence
Seven years ago: All in Good (Life)Time

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