Friday, August 9, 2024

Eagerly Expected Pokémon Things

Over the years that I've had this blog, I've found that Pokémon fans like me are eagerly expecting of certain things based on what they're interested in with regard to the franchise, which could be any number of things and likely not just one. In relation to this matter, I've decided to compile a few of what those possible things might be, including their relevance for Pokémon fans interested in specific things.

Most Pokémon fans in general will likely be eagerly expecting the roughly biannual Pokémon Presents (also see below), used to be called a "Direct" after Nintendo parlance. It's certainly the way for the latest updates on Pokémon things to be conveyed, including but not limited to the games, though the latter will always be integral. The schedule is not always set - in fact, one could be expected some time soon now - but that's part of the expectation.

Then there are the World Championships, which are eagerly expected by those of the competitive sort and especially main series VGC players, for which the latter is still a prime dealing. It also occurs at around this time of year (and I'll have more information on that soon), so I'm also eagerly expecting it to an extent, even though I don't and may not ever be able to participate in it. Yet the expectation for serious players is quite apparent.

For Pokémon Go players (Trainers), there is now the expectation for information about and the schedule for the upcoming season, which always occurs on the last month of the season - as in, now - even though the days of these announcements, as with Pokémon Presents, are also often indeterminate. Still, history shows that it will happen eventually, meaning that the expectation is also still there for them.

Personally, I'm always somewhat eagerly expecting of new information by way of the the Pokémon and Pokémon Center e-mail newsletters, since I subscribe to them. They are nice to look at, present things rather pleasantly, and become my own set of references, especially for making posts on this blog. Others who subscribe may feel exactly the same way, and they then would be expected to have the same amount of expectation.

It's a fact of life that people will always be eagerly expecting of certain things, and Pokémon fans will have that eager expectation for at least a few things, which may include any or all of the above, depending on what they enjoy from the franchise. Whatever the case, the enjoyment is also part of that eager expectation, and much can happen as and after that expectation is fulfilled - and then generated for later things.

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