Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Values of Posts, Again

It was a little over four years ago that I wrote a post on giving value to my posts, and I feel the need to revisit the topic again. At that time, I did give an idea of how values might be given to my posts, but then I seemed to have "circled" the idea rather than discussing it directly, aside from the part where I mentioned donations as an aspect that could give value - but hasn't, something that has remained sadly true to this day, four years and many more posts later. Therefore, it seems apt to bring up the topic, this time with an actual ideation for a specific valuation to be applied to my posts.

The ideation considers the word length of my posts. Regarding this, though, it has to be said that my earlier and later posts differ in this aspect, though if a rough average could be taken of all posts up to the present, they would all be approximately be 500 words in length. Considering that there are around 2700 posts up to now, that means I have around 1.35 million words in total, which is a great number, just as great as the number of posts itself as well as the tenacity to put one up each and every day.

After that, though, things get a little dicey. This would of course be in regard to the monetary value of all of those words, which could be said to be slightly indeterminate. That would be because if they are worth what they are, then I could potentially end up with a low value or at best a middling value - and this is even regard to different currency references, though I'm a bit loath to mention them, particularly since I consider it an act of "jinxing" on one of this blog's purposes, to bring value to my Pokémon experiences from others.

Still, Pokémon is of value to many people - including yours truly - so there might be a chance that some people will be willing to give value to everything about it, including the experiences of others. This might turn out to be even more than I would expect, in which case it would affirm that the experiences have great values. It's still an aspect with some indeterminate value, yet it might not be as indeterminate as I think it could be with Pokémon included.

Out of all the possible topics I could write about (even ones that only touch on Pokémon), this one might be a far-reaching one, especially given how that first post on the topic turned out. Pokémon itself is far-reaching, though, even just by the experiences of its fans, and that far reach could be just the thing that gives insights to the values of words - specifically even the ones I put up on this blog to detail everything that revolves around it and myself.

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