Thursday, August 1, 2024

Loot (or Not) from Pikachu's Indonesia Journey in Surabaya

From one overdue "loot" post comes another one of similar nature, only this time it's even more so, as the associated occasion by now is almost three months past. So, as with the "Island of Paradise" event, Ash also came away with some "loot" from the "eastern metropolis" edition of the event, and likewise, it's a bit of a toss-up as to whether it is "merchandise", "loot", both, or neither. Still, it's wise to discuss the items (and not-items, whether unobtained or just lesser qualified) as best as I possibly can.

Likewise, there were swathes of actual merchandise, and the same set of circumstances - minus the outdoorsy part since everything was done within a mall - hindered their purchase. That said, it's best not to deal with this point much more and move on to the so-called "loot".  For that, the same items as last time are present, only this time with a few other additions: a second promotional TCG card, a booklet called "Pokémon Funbook", and a brochure for the event and its associated happenings.

The last of these is plainly obvious regarding its content. The second of these may be considered the most interesting of the new items, as it's actually double-sided: one side contains game and anime activities, while the other side contains pertinent information on playing and collecting the TCG - obviously tailored to the local content and audience - both of these sides making a fun mix. Finally, the new TCG card is of Pikachu with the second batik shirt design with Xatu on it, so now I have both versions in card form.

(And yes, the presence of the other card does mean I have two copies of this card... which was not the intention, but regardless, I have it anyway. I may be willing to let it go if a really good offer comes up.)

While the merits of "merchandise", "loot", or whatever these items may be called are still a point of contention, what ought to not be contested is that collecting them in any form may still be an imperative for any Pokémon fan. This is likely still true even with focus being directed to an overarching happening, as the Pokémon Go event in the location where I (Ash) obtained all of these items. Either way, the life of a Pokémon fan is sure to be enriched with all the aspects of the happenings and items.

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