Saturday, May 11, 2024

Cosplay+Pokémon Go: Pikachu's Indonesia Journey in Surabaya

Me: Surprise again!!

Goh: Oh my! So you mean to tell us, the one before wasn't the only one?

Me: Well, it was kind of expected, really, by the "journey" theme - it just wasn't made clear. I have intelligence that there are four "focus areas", and the island location (Bali) and this one are two of them.

Goh: What are the other two?

Me: One seems to be a city close to famous temples, and the other is the biggest metropolitan area.

Ash: So you didn't actually have to send me to the one before.

Me: No, but the experience back then was the biggest thing with all the people who came.

Ash: Yeah - now that I think about it, that was the fun thing about it. So thank you. 

Pikachu: Pika! ["Thanks!"]

Me: No problem. All right, so this one has most of the same exact content as the island one, so we don't have to touch on that too much. But the card image will certainly be different.

Goh: That makes sense. The location is different after all.

Me: And... there is an extra event to deal with today later on in the afternoon, but that's for later. This was what the people on the island had to deal with on the second day, and you get to deal with the situation this time on the first day.

Goh: So, like before, it's a two-day thing.

Ash: And I guess we weren't lucky today, huh.

Me: The specific Pokémon Go event is two days, but the rest... well, just see for yourself. Anyhow, that's enough of the specifics and background; how'd things go?

Ash: Everything went almost the same way like they did on the island! But it was a little cramped because it was smaller, even if it was comfortable. 

Goh: What was the setting?

Ash: It was a mall!

Goh: Yeah, that's different and small, all right. It makes it kind of like PFJ from that time. 

Ash: And I remember I used to go to the mall for other festivals and conventions way back when.

Me: Yes, I remember sending you for them. It's nice to see it once. What about the Pokémon you captured?

Ash: I got a few Latias and Latios with the card image. One of the Latios was even Shiny!

Pikachu: Pi! ["Nice!"]

Goh: I see a big city in the card image. I guess it makes sense that our friend sends you here for things every now and then.

Ash: And it wasn't too hard to get anywhere too.

Goh: Obviously so. What about other Pokémon? 

Ash: I only got a few of the special Pikachu, since our friend still kept most of the ones from back then, and they were the same. And one was Shiny too - the balloon one. 

Goh: How many Shiny Pokémon did you catch?

Ash: Five, which is much better now than back then, where I only caught one. 

Goh: I very much agree on that. 

Ash: All the other Pokémon were still the same - but there were lots of Sharpedo and Totodile too.

Me: That must be the tie-in to the city location and its legendary figures - the shark (Suro) and crocodile (Boyo), here represented by Pokémon species.

Goh: Aha, I see now. They're trying to blend in with the locals.

Me: Which I'm sure is the point of this journey.

Ash: Oh yeah! I caught a few bird Pokémon from tasks in the late afternoon - that must be the other event.

Me: You'd be right; that is its own special event, and I'll explain that soon.

Me: Also, I didn't activate Incense for too long since it was cramped, but I got the Professor Willow tasks and Collection Challenge all done in time today.

Me: Great! So overall, a much better turnout in some ways. I wonder how much it was like PFJ.

Ash: A lot! They had all the card game stuff in a different part of the mall, and they had the show and goodies just after the entrance, like with PFJ.

Goh: What was the show like?

Ash: They showed, um... me, before I had my Journeys outfit, and then someone else's story.

Me: Like for the island, I sent Ash with the Journeys outfit. And that other story is now an important one. 

Goh: I can tell. 

Ash: They also had a small music show and a meeting with Pikachu and the starters from Paldea. I got to take a picture with the Pikachu wearing the shirts.

Goh: Oh, wait. The other shirt looks different.

Me: It's still a batik shirt, only with a different motif. If you look closely...

Goh: I see Xatu on it! It looks rich.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika. ["It looks unique."]

Me: You bet. Like I said earlier, you could make it look like anything now.

Ash: By the way, that was it for the show. There was no Pikachu parade or anything like that - I think they just didn't have the space.

Me: In a mall, I think you're absolutely right. Also, did you happen to notice (or got noticed by) figures of repute?

Ash: I ran into a couple of people recording videos, but I didn't seem to see anyone famous - and if I did, I think I would know by the person.

Me: Hmm. I think you're right. Trying to look for certain people in events like these can sometimes be a "needle in a haystack" problem.

Ash: I also saw that the shows are happening next week too.

Pikachu: Pi pika pika. ["That's the case."]

Me: Yes, that's happening for at least one important reason. So in a way, this becomes a "mini festival" of sorts.

Goh: I guess that would include tomorrow, when you can't send Ash?

Me: Of course. But I'll have to hear about that from my other friends, who are going tomorrow. And they'll keep things out for the week within that time.

Ash: It seems they're making it big from small things.

Me: Very true for this Pokémon journey, which will continue soon enough.

One year ago: Cold Appearances

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