Friday, May 24, 2024

For the Very Little Ones: monpoké

Pokémon obviously appeals to kids of all ages - including those who only remain as such at heart - and I've covered this in many different ways and aspects on this blog. This post takes yet another aspect for this discussion, one which might turn things (and heads) around, quite literally. That's because this post concerns something called "monpoké", which at first glance looks very odd as the name is an inversion of the already-established Pokémon branding. Behind this oddity, however, is a world of Pokémon things that appeal to kids - specifically, very little ones.

That's because the sub-brand involves all kinds of things that are directed to "very little" Trainers, as babies or at the least infants. Of all the groups of people who could be exposed to Pokémon, they are the ones who possess the least understanding of Pokémon, at least at their developmental point in time. Yet prospective parents who wish to introduce Pokémon (eventually) to their children might just find this sub-brand incredibly amusing and entertaining, fitting well for that purpose while looking good and generally representative of Pokémon.

As expected, this brand involves a few merchandise items. There are new infant outfits in collaboration with Bonpoint as well as a few new storybooks as a joint effort with Scholastic. Though not part of the sub-brand per se, the Pokémon Primers books from way back when could also be considered to support the sub-brand, and so does a few other merchandise lines of the plush doll variety. Other merchandise items are sure to result and will likely appear in due time.

On the entertainment side, as something that everyone can enjoy, there are a few video clips featuring Pokémon in puppet play under the banner of "Fun Times on monpoké Island", the playlist of which can be seen on YouTube. The Pokémon look very cutesy in the typical brand style and are subtitled for young viewers' convenience (being a Pokémon Kids TV production) and even feature understandable Pokémon voices. They're all very nicely made and are great time fillers.

It's a little fascinating how Pokémon can leverage an inversion of its brand name and make something out of it for very little Trainers to get into Pokémon from an early age while remaining very pleasantly enjoyable for fans of the older kind, who are likely to peruse the items to make sure that their little ones can also join in the Pokémon fun, now and as they grow up.

Five years ago: T-Shirts in Distress
Six years ago: Trading Items?
Seven years ago: Retro Rendezvous

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