Monday, May 13, 2024

Horizons of Promise

Finally, after a long time I can also make this post. For those who have been living behind a Graveler, the Pokémon anime has moved into a new territory, one where Ash isn't the main character, having been sent off. It's a totally new territory for Pokémon and all of its fans, and the English subtitle given for the series is very much appropriate for that: "Horizons", a word that suggests some qualities of newness. It was also first announced at an edition of Pokémon Presents about a year ago, and formally introduced by its distribution along with a special Pokémon Go event back in March. Now that I'm involved with it, I have to write about it as well.

In this new series, the main character this time is a girl, named Liko. It's the same Liko that I wrote of having seen someone resembling her in a dream about a month ago, so it seems she has made a bit of an impression. As a supporting character, there is Roy, a boy with zest and zeal - perhaps almost amounting to those of Ash. Pikachu continues to be present, but this time it accompanies Frede, the leader of the Rising Volt Tacklers group, which eventually becomes associated with both Liko and Roy. All three were incidentally featured in the photo bombs in the previous Pokémon Go event in March along with the Pokémon they are known for.

The series, at least based on the initial end of it, takes an approach that may be considered similar to the Journeys series. Though Liko is stated to be from the Paldea region, the introduction to her actually takes place in Kanto along with the rest of the characters above. A visit to Paldea later on is a practical given, based on the fact about Liko's origin as above and the current dealings of Pokémon, but other regions can't be ruled out either, also because of the Kanto introduction. Still, the "expanded" approach has been proven to work, and that's fine.

As for my case, I've seen the first few episodes of this new series, and in them alone, there has already been significant friction and movement that are admittedly not as "cheesy" compared to when the anime started out with Ash. Some spirits, however, are still shared, as in the case of Liko and Roy getting along with their first partner Pokémon, albeit with a little less friction compared to the case of Ash, also from way back when. I've still got a few more episodes to catch up to the current distribution cadence, but they'll be watched in due time and enjoyed thusly. 

Liko, Roy, and the rest of the gang now lead both old and new Pokémon fans alike toward a horizon (or more appropriately, horizons) with certain new things. With that, it seems that these horizons hold at least some promises for those who are daring to approach them. Fulfilling these promises may be the hardest thing - and certain involvement is seemingly never guaranteed - but with sights set on them, new things will appear certainly just as new skies do.

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