Saturday, May 4, 2024

Returning Player Bonuses in Pokémon Unite

Pokémon Unite has a few things that only some players get to experience at certain times, and one of them is what I'm about to discuss. Due to an (un)fortunate personal circumstance, I got to experience it myself, which allows me to detail about it in my own terms. As the title of this post suggests, it concerns special bonuses for those who haven't played for some time, specifically two or more weeks. That's a good amount of time, so the bonuses have to provide a good amount of incentives as well.

Upon returning to the game after being absent, an event framework is triggered and can be accessed from the row of event icons on the bottom of the main screen. The event framework mainly consists of a stamp event with each stamp claimed per day for some special items, as well as a task-based event with seven days' worth of tasks unlocked one day at a time to earn even more items through collectibles. Additional parts to the event consist of items for the first battle, more Limited Licenses, and even a special deal plus bonus items on Aeos Gems, which may or may not be utilized.

Then, there are other aspects. Returning players get an orange mark next to their player name, which can be seen in the lobby and results screen after a battle. Each time they battle, they will obtain boosted earnings for Aeos Energy, Aeos Coin, Battle Points, and even Performance Points, the last of these with expected Ranked match efforts. All these, including the general event framework as above, lasts for two weeks, after which the event ends and business goes on as usual for the player, hopefully without other unexpected long-period absences in the future... even though there are no guarantees.

While it takes an absence of two weeks to trigger the event for the first time, thanks to the experience of a friend to attempt more triggers, further triggers might take longer, certainly to discourage abuse for the unique rewards. Even so, the event should be treated as what it is: a special reward for those who had to (were forced to) be absent for some time from the game for certain reasons, as with my personal circumstance. It is much better to continue regular play afterwards - as much as possible - which can be surmised as the whole point of the event, to ease players back into regular play.

As can be implied, I'd been on an absence from Pokémon Unite, albeit an unexpected (and unfortunate) one. But that absence has allowed me to go through this particular experience and include the details of mine and others I know, which can be considered to be fortunate in that regard. That seems to have to apply for the special bonuses, which have their own incentives, the primary one as a commemoration of returning in the interest to preserve that return as best as possible.

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