Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Alive, in Life

When you call on me
When I hear you breathe
I get wings to fly
I feel that I'm alive
When you look at me
I can touch the sky
I know that I'm alive
When you bless the day
I just drift away
All my worries die
I'm glad that I'm alive
-- "I'm Alive", Celine Dion

The new Horizons anime series for Pokémon is certainly totally different, yet at the same time it presents a fresh face, even for old fans like me. Thus, as with the heralding of Ash's final appearance, I've decided to make another set of "musical tributes" for this new face, starting with this song. I've only heard this song fortuitously just as I was watching an earlier episode in the series, and it's such an appropriate song that I have to include it as a "musical tribute" to herald the new series. 

Like many pop songs, this song contains the theme of "love", specifically for a "significant other" who might inspire one to feel (and stay) alive. There's also a bit of a divine element in this song, especially towards its conclusion. Overall, there is an uplifting feeling that the song gives, whether it's for a loved one or the good things in life - where Pokémon is also concerned. The music video is just as uplifting in that regard and with modification could certainly fit in the Pokémon world.

Beyond the "love" theme, that's where the "musical tribute" fits in. Liko realizing an adventure beyond the bounds of her school - similarly for Roy and the rest of the Rising Volt Tacklers - becomes the "uplifting" part of the program and a testament to their living wonder. It's undeniably the stuff Pokémon dreams are made of, so to see Liko, Roy, and others making things happen and taking things to the sky is (and should be) exhilarating for any Pokémon fan and anyone potentially watching this series.

I also want to make an aside, which involves part of the title of this song and how I titled this post for that. The overall theme of this song relates to living and being alive, and another song - with a similar title to this post - also contains the same theme... only maybe a little darker, and further yet, it (only) has ties to Pokémon by way of its artist. I'm getting far ahead and a little off track, but "life" is definitely a theme explored in songs, even if those songs only manage to circle around Pokémon.

Overall, the Pokémon anime could itself be considered to be a "celebration of life", and perhaps there is no better time for that than now, with the new Horizons series. Beyond the certain newness that it presents for those who are familiar with the Pokémon anime, there are still lively spirits to be found, so I offer this song as a "musical tribute" for any fan or viewer. The song may be a serendipitous find, but then the characters in the new series do so with their lives as well.

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