Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Pokémon Species in Squeezy, Pillowy Form

As a few of my posts in the Merchandise category indicates, I like and in a way have to write about even items of merchandise that I can't even get my hands on. One of them, recently introduced over the past couple of years, is a type of Pokémon dolls that represent certain species in a particularly very different form, one that is round and rather squeezable. Aptly enough, they are called Squishmallows, as they can be squished and resemble a big, fluffy marshmallow. And it becomes a fascinating set and line of dolls and merchandise for any Pokémon fan like me.

Overall, the lower half of the dolls, as expected, are rounded in shape just like one end of a marshmallow, instead of featuring lower body parts. The upper half of the dolls more or less still resemble the species being featured, although some proportions may be scaled accordingly. Species with certain characteristic features, like Dragonite - a recent entry into this line - may have them rescaled, almost to the point of being "super deformed", a term that applies more to certain figures rather dolls. Regardless, the dolls being what they are do seem to necessitate some changes in proportions.

Disregarding availability in regard to both time and location, I still do have some favorites from this set. Pikachu as a perennial favorite and one of the first to receive this treatment is definitely on that list, with my preference being one with normal expression. The Snorlax and Marill ones are also on my short list as they look pretty nice, perhaps assisted by them resembling the actual species more closely. A couple more favorites could be added on as more Pokémon are also added on this line.

The Squishmallows set of dolls is on the whole a unique one, combining the sensible features of certain Pokémon species with a certain factor for being huggable. It might look a bit weird for some, but for others it might be exceedingly cute, fulfilling its intended purposes. Being only recent, this line stands to have great potential for further development, to be obtained by the most fortunate of fans. I might not be one of them, but I'm still fortunate that I can still get to write about it.

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