Friday, May 3, 2024

In Search of (a) Hi-Hat Cafe

In the Detective Pikachu movie, the Hi-Hat Cafe becomes the late-night spot for the titular Pokémon of the movie, whose favorite drink becomes the strong black coffee served by the Ludicolo of said establishment. It's what some people in the "hangout industry" call a "dive", similar to two other establishments often mentioned alongside. Those whose activities span the entire day - like me at times - will find such places to be appreciable when one is in need of food and drink at late hours of the day. And it might just be what some people, both in and out of the Pokémon world, are searching for. 

The specific establishment above is located in Ryme City, the setting of the story in general. Yet wherever there are major populations of people doing all sorts of things all hours of the day, similar establishments could also be found. This could include the likes of Saffron City and Goldenrod City, where such populations are present. Incidentally, these locations are no stranger to shady things lurking about and happening, as is the first location above, and they could also make their way into the dark corners of such establishments. As helpful as they are, exercising caution may still be needed at times.

My location isn't quite like the major Pokémon cities as above, perhaps on the scale of Cerulean City or Ecruteak City. Yet I've been able to identify establishments that are similar in nature to the Hi-Hat Cafe, providing much of the same conveniences albeit mostly in "instant" form. I also sometimes visit those establishments for quick and/or late meals and refreshments, just like Pikachu would for coffee at the Hi-Hat Cafe. In effect, I've "found" my version of that cafe in those establishments and I feel like the I'm in the Pokémon world, or the world has come to me instead.

As far as things are concerned, the Hi-Hat Cafe has a certain "vibe" to it that is hard to forget about for someone who has seen the Detective Pikachu movie, and obviously its titular character recognizes that "vibe", explaining the attraction that it has. To seek an establishment
similar to this could be a worthwhile effort that would also be rewarding somehow in terms of both experience and sustenance, and if one is lucky, one might just come across such an establishment, allowing one to enjoy its comforts (especially coffee) just like Pikachu does for the actual cafe in Ryme City.

Four years ago: The Call of the Forest
Five years ago: Localizing the TCG
Seven years ago: Gender Mismatch Detected

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