Sunday, May 12, 2024

Cosplay: "Mobile Japan Fest" [2]

Goh: Hmm, "Mobile Japan Fest" is back again.

Me: Yeah. By now they've done it multiple times, but this is only the second time I'm sending Ash, so I'm marking it with a "[2]" for that purpose.

Ash: OK, but I'm still a little tired from yesterday.

Pikachu: Pika pika... ["So am I..."]

Me: But as usual, the festival is only in the afternoon, so it shouldn't be too much of a bother.

Ash: That would be just fine.

Me: So, I think it's pretty much the same things as last time, so we don't need to touch on that. And I think I got you there just in time before it started.

Ash: You did! And I signed up for the character parade too.

Me: Great!

Goh: How was the festival part?

Ash: As our friend said, it was really just like before. I didn't spend much time in it.

Goh: Did other things happen?

Ash: I got into the karaoke challenge with an idol group song! All I got was a keychain, though.

Goh: Interesting. Our friend must have set you up for this.

Me: Hehe, and it might just work for a later time too. But I can't say much more for that.

Goh: All that's left now is the character parade.

Ash: I got nothing. There were only four prizes for four of the other 16 characters.

Goh: But you did do something on stage, right?

Ash: Of course. But I think it wasn't enough.

Me: I would think it's a combination of factors, and as you said, it's the yesterday thing as well. So you did what you can.

Ash: We'll get it next time.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika. ["Next time it is."]

Goh: So today, we were just filling time.

Me: Goh is essentially right. And this festival isn't (becoming) much of one anyway, especially as it keeps getting repeated.

Goh: But there's always a chance Ash can get something.

Me: Right, or as with the karaoke challenge, prepare for something else.

Ash: I see what you mean. We'll try a few more things for you too, just like what we tried.

Pikachu: Pika! ["Sure!"]

Goh: By the way, any interesting entertainment?

Ash: Just a mini band and two dance groups. Nothing too special.

Goh: Well, that's fun too.

Me: I think we got the gist - just a bit of fun for a little bit of time today. There will always be some opportunities for that, along with Pokémon in tow.

One year ago: Listen to Our Hearts
Three years ago: Three Bears
Six years ago: To Know the Unknown
Seven years ago: You Are Blessed

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