Sunday, May 19, 2024

Pokémon Go Community Day, 5/19/2024

Me: Welcome back!

Ash: All right! Community Day!

Goh: OK, it should be a nice change of pace. What do we have today?

Me: Well, today we're in the tropics. (Technically I already am, but that's another matter...)

Goh: Let me guess: something from the Alola region?

Me: You bet! Today we have Bounsweet.

Ash: Nice! I'm already reminded of Mallow. Remember, Pikachu?

Pikachu: Pika! ["Sure do!"]

Ash: We made and ate wonderful things together.

Me: Great, isn't it? As usual, though, you're not here to cook - you're here to catch.

Goh: So, it evolves twice - to Steenee and then Tsareena. What move does that one get?

Me: It gets High Jump Kick this time. Now, that's an interesting move, because typically if the user misses...

Goh: ...they hurt themselves.

Me: Right. But you never miss when you're on the go, so instead, it can drop your defense by quite a bit in this case, at least when battling another Trainer. 

Goh: Same function, different approach.

Me: Sure enough.

Ash: I'm interested in the main bonus.

Me: So are a lot of people. That would be quartered hatching distance for Eggs, so if you needed to get Eggs hatching and out, you'd make use of it.

Ash: OK, let's see what I can do.

Me: Other than that, I think we can guess how everything else plays out.

Ash: Well, I think we need the double Candy and Candy XL chance, since you don't seem to have a lot of those.

Me: True, that.

Goh: And you'd need to have the Bounsweet come by extended Incense and Lure Modules.

Me: Of course.

Ash: I think I heard a couple of your friends want to trade. We can use the extra Special Trades and the trade discount.

Me: I think you may have heard right.

Ash: I get to do tasks by myself and with Professor Willow today!

Me: As usual.

Goh: And if you can, you'd take pictures to have Bounsweet show up, raid Steenee, put Pokémon in showcases, buy an item bundle, and get stickers.

Me: To an extent. I already got a lot of the stickers over the past week as well.

Ash: I think I'm ready!

Pikachu: Pikachu. ["Let's go."]

Me: Sure. So, how'd things go today?

Ash: I got to meet all your friends, check in for the tasks with Professor Willow (it was called "A Sweet Surprise"), and then got to deal with all the Bounsweet.

Goh: Were there any "perfect surprises"? Some of the last few ones had had one.

Ash: I had one from a task! But just for myself. Don't know about the others...

Me: Nice! Definitely an improvement over the ones I'd already captured before. How'd you spend the day?

Ash: I got to walk around the place from before with someone who knows about Pokémon a whole lot!

Goh: That must have been as fun for you as the person.

Ash: It really was. We practically spent the entire time together.

Goh: How many Shiny Bounsweet did you catch?

Ash: Just six, but I think that's enough.

Me: That's fine for us - we don't need too much.

Ash: Then I Lucky Traded one of them and evolved it, along with that perfect one, your Buddy, and two for battling.

Me: Great! All the usual ones.

Goh: Speaking of usual... there must have been a group photo op.

Ash: Of course!

Goh: And then giveaways like every time with a group.

Ash: I didn't win anything. The Shiny ones were all average and there weren't many categories.

Me: Yeah, that happens from time to time.

Ash: But you probably didn't need what the others gave away.

Me: If it is as I suspect, then not all the time.

Ash: Oh, I then raided Regirock and Shadow Suicune, but I only got Suicune.

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Nice one!"]

Goh: Wow! That should have been a sight. Also about sights... our friend must have had a reason for sending Ash.

Me: Right. There are actually a few happenings I could have sent Ash to today, but they would be either usual or costly.

Goh: I see, and Community Day was the least expensive and not too usual option.

Me: That's the point. But like the Pokémon, today seems to have been pretty sweet enough as it was.

Ash: I'd agree! This Community Day was a bit sweet for everyone, even us.

Me: It surely can be different each time, even if it is regular. We can reap sweet rewards elsewhere at another time, but for this one, the featured Pokémon speaks for its sweet self. 

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