Sunday, May 5, 2024

Cosplay: Foodtopia Season 3

Me: OK, so it's "Season 3" of this thing. I think we know the drill now from the past two iterations.

Goh: Same place?

Ash: Same time of day? 

Goh: Same organizer too? 

Ash: Same competitions? 

Goh: And the same festival? 

Pikachu: Pika pika pika? ["All of the above?"]

Me: You bet. But there are (or may be) a few differences... starting with us.

Goh: Oh? Is it about the competitions?

Me: Yeah. I actually couldn't make up my mind on what I wanted Ash to sing for the singing competition, and when I did... I was too late to get him in.

Ash: Aw, man!

Me: Sorry. But it seems even if I did, we (I) would have been interrupted in preparations, so maybe it was a good thing I didn't sign you up.

Goh: Well, now I bet you have some ideas for next time.

Me: I sure do, but Ash would still have to memorize them (again) because some are completely new and others... may not be that familiar.

Ash: We'll take care of them!

Me: Of course. For now, you still have the character parade at least, and I'm giving you your XY outfit this time.

Ash: OK, I can make that work.

Me: Other than that, it's pretty much most of the same things from before.

Goh: So it's part of a food festival at a mall, and the competitions were in the afternoon, organized by the CBP people.

Ash: Yeah!

Pikachu: Pika chu pi. ["Much the same."]

Me: As Goh said, it's much the same. But maybe there was something different?

Ash: There was. They shared the area with a kids festival at the same time. But that made it even more crowded...

Goh: Yeah, that will do that.

Ash: But at least the kids one wrapped up later, so there was more space.

Me: OK, that's substantial, but I think other differences are less so. So... maybe Ash has some highlights for us from here?

Ash: How about tough competition? I saw most of the singing competition, and I thought I could pick out the winners... and I was right on two out of three out of the 20.

Goh: But there had to be others whom you thought were really good.

Ash: There were - even a friend of our friend - but they didn't win.

Me: Tough competition indeed. I guess it was a good call that I didn't put you in. But then... "tough competition" has to apply to the character parade too.

Ash: Um... yeah. There were 42 in there and eight winners - two favorites and six overall. But I got none of them.

Goh: Did you try something different?

Ash: I did! I guess it wasn't enough this time.

Me: Like we said. Let's try again some other time.

Ash: OK, sure.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Let's."]

Me: On to other highlights. I think I have one for you: the #6 factor.

Goh: The #6... you mean Charizard? Did it show up again?

Ash: It did! But it didn't stay for very long.

Goh: Maybe because of the crowds. That is one big Charizard, from the picture from last time.

Ash: And it had a problem too, I think. I got to talk to the person who sent it in.

Me: Oh, yes, I think I know the person. Which leads us to our third highlight: interactions.

Ash: I was going to say something about that!

Goh: Well, it is a given, after all.

Me: But anyway, who did you talk to, aside from the above?

Ash: A lot! Another of your character friends, a few of your other friends, and even a member of one of the performers.

Goh: Yup, that's a lot. It sounds like you had a really great day about this.

Me: This is always a good point of events and conventions no matter what else happens. I was actually indecisive about sending you, but I realized this was still important - so there you go.

Goh: I guess we also can't expect this one to be much different from time to time too.

Me: Then there is that.

Ash: But we can make it different!

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["Very true!"]

Me: That would be very true, and at least today gave us a glimpse of that for this time and the next. Let's stay on top of it all.

Two years ago: Brave with the Firefly

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