Saturday, May 25, 2024

Cosplay: M-Cell Grand Opening

Me: All right, this weekend is going to be a "circus", in a way.

Goh: Oh, are there multiple festivals and/or happenings?

Me: Hmm, you could say that. This first one is actually the second, but it's the main one today. 

Ash: So we'll save the first one for tomorrow!

Me: Yeah, pretty much. So, around four years ago, we talked about phones and stuff, and that was also with the pretext of sending you somewhere.

Goh: I remember that. So... this is a development of that?

Me: Goh is on it. In the same place and all.

Ash: It's a phone shop. They remodeled a lot since last time.

Me: They did, so they wanted to celebrate - and here we are. It's actually been going on for a week, and this was our day with characters and such.

Ash: Back then it was them who invited me and other characters. Now...

Me: It's some of our friends helping them out, so they need the support and all, what with the other festival.

Pikachu: Pika chu pika. ["Sounds noble of you."]

Ash: Well, sure! So I got there after going to the other festival, and it was just like last time - a street festival. But now it's on the other side.

Goh: I'm sure it was roomy.

Ash: It was! I signed up for the character parade just like you told me to, after waiting a bit.

Me: Yeah, I didn't want to make it seem like you "butted in". These are my friends, even though sometimes...

Goh: Well?

Me: Probably I shouldn't discuss it with you all. Anyway, maybe there were a couple of other different things?

Ash: There were a couple of food stands and a proper stage this time.

Goh: What was it like last time?

Ash: We were just out on the lot.

Goh: OK, yeah, that's an improvement.

Me: What about the character parade itself? (I sent you with your Journeys outfit, by the way.)

Ash: They wanted it short, and they got it from me.

Pikachu: Pika! ["And me!"]

Goh: What about the results, though?

Ash: Nothing, even with only 20 characters and lots of prizes.

Goh: Well, that's a drag.

Me: Tell us about it.

Goh: Maybe you had fun in another way?

Ash: I just watched the others play games, sing songs, and dance.

Me: OK, that's not much. But it was good for just a late afternoon into the evening.

Goh: That short, huh?

Ash: Maybe it could have been longer if more people came!

Me: Maybe, maybe not. They probably were set on doing things the way they were, with or without the other festival.

Ash: It did feel a little closer with fewer people around.

Pikachu: Pi pika. ["I think so too."]

Goh: Sounds like the other festival stole people from this. I'd like to know about that.

Me: So do I, and that's actually the Act 1 to this Act 2.

Ash: Plus some more tomorrow!

Me: They would be Act 3 and Act 4. As I've said, it's a "circus" of a weekend, and it's not quite over yet.

Five years ago: T-Shirts in Distress
Six years ago: Trading Items?
Seven years ago: Retro Rendezvous

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