Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The State of Nominations, Part 28

My detailing of my PokéStop nomination progress continues after another two months, and this time I've got some big things to share. That's because there's been some expansion on both my front and the system (Wayfarer) front, and that's big as far as things go. Since bigger isn't always better, though, I have to quantify those things against my current actual progress, and that's always the purpose of this bimonthly post along with just reviewing my progress in general.

As always, numbers have to tell the tale in some respects. Presently I have 127 Accepted nominations, which is 7 more than last time, and that's big in and of itself. I also have 64 Not Accepted nominations, which is the same as last time; though there were more, a few were also Appealed and became Accepted, making things even - I have one such Appeal in progress. For undecided nominations, I have 19 In Voting and 7 In Queue, both likely to have major swings the next time I update. Duplicate nominations stay at 11, and I don't expect to see major swings in this one even the next time.

Then there's the big things for Wayfarer. The Contributions section has been expanded, and now it also shows those for adding to or editing currently existing Waypoints (that become realized as PokéStops in Pokémon Go). These additions and edits are also an ongoing matter and have been as such for a long time. Now, though, with these being outlined, I am inclined to keep tabs on them much like PokéStop nominations as above, further as they (are now revealed to) have the same statuses. It's a big addition regardless, and the results may lend themselves to major progressions as well.

Other major things to remark include my use of an Upgrade for the very first time, on a close-to-home nomination that really needs its use, also by having marked it earlier with Upgrade Next. Further Upgrades will likely require significant efforts, if the one for this nomination is of any indication, and will therefore not be on my mind until I even get anywhere close to earning one for use on a nomination some ways into the future. Even so, some recent nominations seem to just "upgrade" themselves by becoming Accepted in mere days rather than weeks, and this is also something to look forward for others later on as well.

Some big things can and always do occur with PokéStop nominations, particularly the ones I've been making and the process that goes on for it in the Wayfarer system. Whether that means things have become better or not, perhaps that's not for me to say completely, even with the usual efforts. For now, they still need to continue, further as some areas can be readily identified to need them, and the biggest things may just occur after nominations are made and realized.

Five years ago: Lure Modules Evolve
Six years ago: The "Attractors"
Seven years ago: A Hero Looks to the Sky

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