Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Let's Talk About Remembrance

Me: Well, as usual, today is someone's special day. And it happens to be the first one "after the fact" on my end of things.

Goh: We did discuss it way back when...

Me: Indeed we did, and everything back then continues to apply. What also continues to apply is the remembering of things - and a lot of that applies in all of our cases.

Ash: I think I know what you mean! I know I have to remember there are friends and family everywhere...

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["And me!"]

Ash: ...and of course buddies like Pikachu!

Goh: And I have to do pretty much the same - now that I crossed paths with Ash.

Ash: Yeah! That makes sense.

Me: Sometimes I have to do that too, though I'm not sure about people on the other end.

Goh: I'm pretty sure they do - if not, it could be disappointing.

Me: Sure, even though this is starting to digress. Before that happens, let's move on to something else to remember.

Goh: How about... goals and objectives?

Me: Ooh! That's a good one.

Ash: I think Goh is right. Even now I still think about becoming a Pokémon Master and how that would be for me.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["I'm with you there."]

Goh: And then there's me with Mew and all that.

Me: So, we can say it's absolutely important, because they guide all of us.

Goh: With us being here, you must have one too for that.

Me: Of course! It's just... I'm still not there yet. But I'm trying as best as I can. I still think it can and has to work out.

Ash: I'm not there yet either, actually - but we can and should get there.

Me: Exactly! As for what I have to offer to remember, we have to remember our roots, origins, basically where we came from.

Goh: You did bring up about this the last time, a little bit.

Me: And I even wrote a little bit about it a long time ago too - at that time I was looking at something of my past. Even today I got reminded of it and looked at it again.

Ash: Oh, that's interesting! But yeah, I do think sometimes about that first day I got a Pokémon.

Pikachu: Pika chu. Pika pika. ["Yeah, that. And then my past."]

Goh: Now you got me thinking about my school, and then what got me to deal with Mew. 

Ash: So our friend's past is a little like our past too - it's hard to forget, but we have to remember it.

Me: That seems to be very true, and it can even be very similar to the present, as with you two and afterwards.

Goh: Maybe that thing is in us after all.

Me: Maybe so. Finally, there's the thing to remember about today.

Goh: Yes, that!

Me: Happy "birthday", Ash.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Rejoice!"]

Ash: Thanks! 

Me: We also have to remember that it may not be set - but who knows. For all I (and many others) care, it's pretty much set.

Goh: It happens when it happens.

Ash: But it's still special for me! 

Me: Even "after the fact", it still is very much that way.

Ash: And it's something you'll always remember.

Me: Now, and maybe just for as long as possible.

Five years ago: After All These Years
Six years ago: GiRL (Gyms in Real Life)
Seven years ago: To Japan and Beyond

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