Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Three Pokémon Visions in Dreams

A long time has passed since I shared dreams with Pokémon content that occurred while I slept. Granted, they don't always occur, and that's one explanation for the paucity. Another is that they may very well be disjointed: they may occur with spans in between that might make it difficult for me to remember them as they take place, and even without spans, it's still sometimes difficult regardless. The latter reason may be the one that explains three "visions" that I had in some recent Pokémon dreams.

One of those "visions" was a vacation with Ash and Goh, which happened within the span of one dream. At one point in time while we were getting somewhere, I even saw what possibly could have been a Fidough or Herdier closing the (open) door of a moving bus, which was both strange and scary. Near the end of the vision, we asked ourselves if Team Rocket could be around, and after confirming ourselves, we took one of the paths. The vision then ended along with the dream, and I woke up. It was an odd yet pleasant vision, one that I might want to actually happen.

That waking up was the disjoint, for I then went back to sleep and saw another vision. This time, I was going down a staircase when I saw a girl who in some ways resembled Liko (a significant current name, more on this soon) sitting and drawing on an apparent Rotom Tablet, the drawing being that of a Treecko. The starter Pokémon from the third generation is certainly a significant one in different ways, but to be drawn by someone of a likeness resembling Liko could be an indication of further significance whether now or in the times to come and especially as I happen upon them.

Now, the next vision is a continuation of the previous one. The place I happened to be in seems to be a part of a tower, perhaps likened to Lumiose Tower of that same city or the Silph Co. headquarters. Fascinatingly, the vision took place in the daytime, but there was an indication that the tower was being used for nefarious purposes at night, possibly by Team Rocket (now the Silph Co. similarity makes sense), and the only way to quash these purposes was to access the tower in a secret way. Unfortunately, the indication and vision also ended at that point, also with me becoming awake.

It's surprising that I remember this much from the dreams - which took place a few days ago - even from the few details that I left behind so that I could initiate the writing of this post, which may be yet another reason for the difficulty I explained at the beginning. Still, even with a disjoint, the three visions that I had in the two dreams had particularly striking connections to and involvement of Pokémon, which can only mean that Pokémon has truly become embedded even in the figment of my dreams.

Two years ago: The Type Is Wild
Five years ago: Pokémon and eSports

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