Friday, April 5, 2024

Let's Talk About Common Causes

Me: Well, this is going to be a bit of an odd "Let's Talk", but something like this has been done in the past has been done before, so we can do it again.

Goh: It has something to do with Ash, doesn't it?

Ash: Er... yeah.

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["I'm in."]

Me: But as always, we start with a prelude - the theme of this talk. This time, it's "common causes".

Goh: Oh, like when people share a goal.

Me: That's the point. Now, we're all Pokémon Trainers here in some way, shape, or form, so we have common causes - not necessarily with each other, but with our Pokémon, that's a certainty.

Ash: Yeah! Pikachu and I - and all my other Pokémon - couldn't do all the things we did if we didn't have the same focus. Right, buddy?

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Absolutely!"]

Goh: I'd have to agree about that with my Pokémon too. We're different, but we have to think in the same way.

Me: That way of thinking is also what makes organizations successful too. I guess we can take Pokémon Centers as one.

Ash: Well, they have Nurse Joy, Chansey, and...

Goh: I think they can and do have other people and Pokémon helping out, so they all have to think in the same way.

Ash: That's gotta happen.

Goh: And then there's companies like Silph and Devon. They have lots of people, so they can't be what they are if they all don't somehow think in at least some of the same ways.

Ash: I can imagine.

Me: On the other hand, I'm sure that is what makes bad teams like Team Rocket, Team Aqua, and Team Galactic work too.

Ash, Goh: Oh. Yeah.

Me: Let's not go there, then. What we do have to go through, however, is where I sent Ash today in relation to the theme.

Ash: Oh! You sent me to a road to meet many of your friends.

Goh: What did you do there?

Ash: We packed up treats and handed them out to people.

Me: Yeah - it's a usual thing during this "break" for some people, and my friends decided to do it too.

Ash: You should have seen it! I thought we were only going to have a few treats, but someone came with a mountain of them. Your friends and I got them all packed up really quickly - and then they were all gone in a flash when people got them.

Goh: Wow! It makes sense - you and our friend's friends must have had the same common cause for that to happen.

Me: You have to believe that's true.

Ash: I did quite a bit of the packing, but Pikachu just stayed behind us to keep things in line.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["Good job, though."]

Ash: We did get together for pictures after that.

Goh: Like I said, the commitment for this must have been amazing.

Me: Including mine to send Ash; it almost didn't happen.

Goh: But it happened, and it sounds amazing.

Ash: Yeah - it almost went "wham!" and "wham!"

Me: Such is the power of common causes: they make people do amazing things.

Goh: I hear you. By the way, you keep mentioning this "break" - when is it going to be over?

Me: It'll be over soon. After that, Ash and I might just have a few more "common causes" for some things.

Ash: I'll be ready then!

Goh: Sounds good to me - and all of us.

One year ago: The Language of Money
Two years ago: Keeping Things Down
Three years ago: Pretty Colors of the Prism
Four years ago: Writer Shortcuts
Six years ago: 1000 Pokémon Species?
Seven years ago: That Way You've Got

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