Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Profile of My Saved WhatsApp Pokémon Stickers

It has also been a long time since I discussed about Pokémon stickers on WhatsApp, including some of the favorite ones I've "saved". Since then, my collection has expanded in number and variety, reflecting how stickers in this messaging and social media application are also numerous and varied. So, instead of listing more favorites from the collection, which could be described as futile and not useful, I've decided to describe the (current) profile of those stickers, as in what I have generally and the themes and features of them.

A good number of my stickers are connected to Pokémon Go (examples being a Stardust sticker and a Venusaur fainting in PvP); this is expected, since I'm connected with several groups for the game and deal with it often. But then there are also main series stickers depicting their consoles, as well as a Pokémon Unite sticker - the "What a Goal! +100" popup. Most other stickers I have, however, are representative of Pokémon in general, showing particular species in both common and uncommon ways for different contexts.

On that note, I do have lots of stickers that represent Pikachu - no surprise, as it's a fan favorite and my favorite as well. Surprisingly, I have a number of Psyduck and Snorlax stickers thanks to being in contact with other Pokémon fellows who like these Pokémon species. Other Pokémon species are represented in more meager numbers that I may not be able to count easily, but they're still there and waiting for me to use them with all the fun and funk they may have - perhaps an understatement in and of itself.

Under the header of "funny" and "funky", there is now a good number of animated stickers in my collection, again mostly pertaining to particular Pokémon species (an especially funky set shows some of them being grabbed by hands). A good deal are also local stickers, containing expressions in the local language where I am and being used by the same people. Finally, I also have a few stickers from my images that others helped to make, so I could call them "mine" in a sense - though considering stickers, none of them are ever as such.

Every user of WhatsApp will likely have loads and loads of stickers they've "saved" as favorites, and for Pokémon fans like me, they'll have loads and loads of Pokémon stickers, likely in addition to anything else they've saved. With that magnitude, there is bound to be some themes and commonalities among them, as well as novelties and quirks. My collection of "saved" Pokémon stickers definitely proves just that, and the aspects will just keep on varying as I keep "saving" more and more Pokémon stickers.

Six years ago: Gambling Not Permitted
Seven years ago: One Thing

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