Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Needing a Time Distortion

Recently, things have been going somewhat slow for this blog. It might not be that apparent considering the posts themselves, but it's actually as such behind the scenes. It seems that I may need more time to get through my Pokémon activities and then write the posts on this blog, and that brings up a related issue to Pokémon and the ways of the species. Moreover, it's one that has been implemented neatly in Pokémon Go also just recently, and fits the current situation.

That related issue is being able to create (and make use of) a time distortion, as that which is caused by the Roar of Time move that is so identified with Dialga. In the recent Pokémon Go implementation, the time distortion is realized by putting a pause on timers for anything if they have recently been activated. Of course, one would think that an actual time distortion would and could do a little more than just stop time for certain things.

And that brings things back to my current situation. It seems I would need a time distortion not only to stop time (which is useful) but also to slow down its progression in certain aspects (which can also be workable). Such functions wouldn't be too out of reach for Dialga to incur, perhaps especially the latter, which would arguably be less intensive than the former. Either way, I'd be able to make use of the distorted time for what I would need to do.

Even so, time distortion still only exists in my dreams and in the confines of the existing Pokémon world. At least, there is no qualm in being able to think about things as they might be conceived in them without having them existing. Regardless, I'm still going to have to do without a time distortion, which means that things might still be a bit slow-going for some time, while I try to figure out a way so I can actually speed it up.

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