Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Hobby vs. Responsibility

Every so often, an issue comes up that catches my attention and that I can't leave well enough alone, which also means discussing it on this blog and seeing how Pokémon fits into the issue. This time, the issue involves pitting what one likes to do ("hobby") against what one needs to do ("responsibility"), as conceived by a certain public figure. Based on the implications that both carry, Pokémon can potentially fit with them in various ways, and it becomes helpful to try to make sense of them as such. 

It is obvious that for many people, Pokémon is a (part of their) hobby, since it can be enjoyed, consumed, appreciated, the whole nine yards. Yet it could be easy to forget that behind all things Pokémon, there are also people maintaining or continuing their workings, and for them, Pokémon therefore becomes a responsibility, to be worked on so that other people can take it in. By these simple facts, it becomes apparent that Pokémon can be established to fit in both ends of the duality, and necessarily so.

Personally, Pokémon is also still a field of my hobbies, and that can hardly be changed. Still, its influence over some other parts of my life - including where responsibility is concerned, and no matter how small or insignificant - cannot be denied either, and thus in a sense it becomes a minor kind of "responsibility" to maintain. If there is ever an opportunity to make it a more major responsibility, it's one that I would cherish, even as I try to maintain it as a hobby along with other kinds of responsibility.

As to where this blog would fit in, it is at present still mostly a reflection of Pokémon as a hobby field as above. But in a way, there is also a sense that it should be maintained as a minor responsibility for its possibility of unlocking a major responsibility (also as above) later on, with the hope that it could also be tied to Pokémon. That hope is still fairly remote at this point, but it's one that I still wouldn't count out due to my continued involvement with Pokémon and the opportunities for that.

While the public figure may be justified in putting the two things in opposition to each other, there is also a sense that both may just be intricately connected and those connections make themselves evident in different ways, if the example of Pokémon is of any indication. In that case, both make themselves out as being important without necessarily having to be opposed. If the issue has resonated for me, it might just resonate for other Pokémon fans as well as others just making their way through life.

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