Saturday, April 27, 2024

Cosplay: Community Alliance Meeting

Goh: Oh! This sounds different.

Me: Well, as different as it is, it's actually similar to something we discussed a while back. 

Goh: Wait - I remember now. It's like the other gathering from last month.

Me: Yeah, it's like that, only this one has a few more communities in it.

Ash: Last time, there were six of them.

Me: Yes, so that time was also called the Six Communities Meeting. This one, I'm told, has a couple more.

Goh: Then you could say this one is the "eight communities" one.

Me: More or less. And other than that... it's also more or less the same as last time.

Ash: I see what you mean! Same place, same schedule. A friend of yours got me there too.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu. ["Very similar."]

Me: Only this time you have your Kanto/Johto outfit, and it's no longer a "break", so they went earlier, I'm told.

Ash: They did! They started out with community performances like last time - but I didn't get to perform (sing) this time.

Goh: What would you have sung this time, maybe if our friend had a plan?

Ash: Well?

Me: There are a couple choices for Pokémon songs, but they'd still take some effort - and then there are ones not related to Pokémon, but they're kind of "out there". 

Ash: I think I got you. 

Me: Anyway, you didn't sing, but you must have gotten in the character parade.

Ash: Of course - it was easy to get in! I tried something new for us.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu pika. ["I like what you did."]

Ash: If you liked it, we'll try it again somewhere else.

Goh: But then how did you do?

Ash: One of the communities picked me as a favorite!

Me: Nice! But... I think that's all you got, right?

Ash: Yeah...

Me: Don't worry. As you said, we'll try it in another place. 

Goh: I guess there wasn't much else?

Ash: No, just a little singing and dancing for the rest of the day - then I got back to my friend.

Goh: Then I'd say it was a nice afternoon for you two.

Ash: Right!

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["Good stuff."]

Me: A nice change of pace from the usual... and then it's back to the usual.

Goh: Well said. Other Pokémon stuff for you?

Ash: For our friend, it probably is.

Me: Sometimes we can get it all figured out, even for this happening.

Two years ago: TCG, My Past and Future

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