Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pokémon Go Community Day, 4/20/2024

Me: OK, the next three days are going to be filled with discussions... and it starts with this one.

Goh: Oh, Community Day. Well, if we're talking about it, Ash must be involved.

Ash: I'm here!

Pikachu: Pika! ["So am I!"]

Me: Great! So, today's Community Day might be a little offbeat, sprouting even.

Goh: Wait, let me guess the Pokémon... Bellsprout?

Me: Goh's got this. We have its family of odd plants.

Ash: It evolves into Weepinbell, then Victreebel. James would love this... but I don't think he's here.

Me: No, but that's probably for the better.

Goh: Hey, what move does Victreebel get this time?

Me: A Grass-type Fast Move - Magical Leaf.

Goh: Interesting - the same as one of its types. Could be useful.

Me: Why not. Oh, and the main bonus is tripled Stardust - something that's always needed.

Ash: A Star Piece could be useful!

Me: Sure. OK, so that's the primary feature roundup. The rest we probably can guess.

Ash: I think we can use Lure Modules and Incense for longer.

Goh: Double Candy and Candy XL chance is not only a must - it's useful.

Ash: I can trade for less, maybe get two Special Trades in.

Goh: And we'll see it in photo bombs, maybe if someone raids a Weepinbell later on.

Me: All the usual stuff. Field Research from PokéStops, extra Special Research set with Professor Willow, showcases, store and shop bundles, and of course stickers if you open Gifts.

Ash: Yeah! I think we got them all.

Goh: So where did you send Ash this time?

Ash: It was a really big field! But they had a really big stage and a few stands.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu! ["You could see everything!"]

Goh: Wait, it's a festival, yes? So Ash was in it for something else?

Me: Certainly. But we'll talk about that later. I thought we'd talk about both at the same time, but then I realized it was a bad idea. Let's get Community Day down and out first.

Ash: OK, so your friends must have planned this all out. I got to link up with Professor Willow for free this time thanks to a little something they had. "All About Bellsprout", was the title of the set of tasks.

Goh: Sounds like you learned about the species family.

Ash: Yup! And I caught many Bellsprout, at least as much as I could. Only four were Shiny, but you already had two Shiny ones.

Me: Indeed. So this "offbeat" edition is also a "catch-up" edition for those who didn't have that.

Goh: That's nice. You did evolve some, right?

Ash: My friend's best, Shiny, Buddy Pokémon, a Lucky one, two for battling, and a Purified one.

Me: OK, thanks. Good thing I had all of those.

Ash: And here's a picture of everyone.

Goh: And wasn't there a giveaway?

Ash: There was, but, um...

Goh: Was it affected by the festival?

Pikachu: Pika... ["I guess..."]

Me: Must be it. Again, we'll talk about it later.

Goh: Well, at least the Community Day part of the day was OK.

Ash: Except that the field was a little muddy after it sometimes rained.

Goh: Except for that.

Ash: Yeah, my shoes got a little muddy too. Do you think it can get cleaned a little for tomorrow?

Me: I can do something at the least.

Goh: Oh, so tomorrow is...

Ash: Something big!

Me: Big enough that you'll want a bit of a rest after today. So I'll take care of the rest, and...

Goh: We'll be talking tomorrow again.

Pikachu: Chu! ["Right!"]

Me: And things continue then. For now, this is a point to pause.

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