Monday, April 22, 2024

Cosplay: Biznet Festival

Me: OK, so now we can deal with Saturday's "other" thing.

Goh: So it was a festival.

Me: Right. It was directed to a lot of creative things, including the character competition (parade).

Ash: They had band and dance competitions too! I heard one of the bands I sometimes see.

Me: That is nice, but of course they didn't really work for us here. What worked was the character parade - and certainly Community Day.

Goh: But as Ash said, it was in a big field and after it rained, so his shoes got a bit muddy.

Ash: Yeah, I wasn't too happy about that, even with my Journeys outfit.

Pikachu: Pika. ["Frustrating."]

Ash: A lot of people also got mud anyway, somehow. 

Goh: If it didn't rain, would things have been better? 

Me: I would say probably, because I've been to the field myself when it wasn't wet, and it was nicer out.

Goh: Did anyone else show things off? 

Ash: There was a group of people with toy cars and a couple of food stands, but that was it. Oh yeah! There was a team game competition, but it wasn't for us. 

Me: Knowing the game, if it was only Pokémon Unite...

Ash: I'd be in it for sure!

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["I'd support!"]

Goh: But considering what you said, I thought there would be a lot more people showing things off and coming, but it looks like there wasn't.

Ash: Oh! Actually, there were a lot more stands outside the festival... but they weren't part of it. 

Goh: So I guess it's a "they are but they aren't" kind of thing.

Me: I have a feeling more people came at night to watch the entertainment... which Ash couldn't do because I called him back early.

Ash: I heard a little bit from outside, but I think you'd still not be interested.

Me: Good point anyway, and then there's the thing from the other day.

Goh: What did happen with the character parade?

Ash: I thought it would be in the middle of the afternoon, but it got pushed back late. 

Me: Oh, this must mean that it interfered with the giveaway for Community Day.

Ash: Pretty much so. 

Pikachu: Pika chu. ["That happened."]

Goh: How many characters? 

Ash: About 30.

Goh: And the prizes...

Ash: Only six - three best and three favorites. 

Goh: Yeah, I can see that not turning out well. 

Ash: Nope.

Me: So, even with two happenings in one roof, it's still pretty hard to get in both, especially if there's a delay. 

Ash: You can say that again.

Me: Well, for this one, it's both fortunate and unfortunate that things lined up the way they did.

Goh: But you two still got things going the next day.

Me: True, so we can only take it in stride. Anyway, that's that for this weekend, and if there's anything that should always line up, it's Pokémon for us.

Ash: I'm sure it will!

Pikachu: Pi! ["Yeah!"]

Goh: Why not?

Me: Good question - the answer is always to come.

Three years ago: Ideas for Pokémon Vehicles
Four years ago: Reading the Signs
Five years ago: PokéMania and WhatMania
Seven years ago: Costume Issues

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