Saturday, April 13, 2024

More on Outfit Grades in Café Remix

Over a year ago, I had mentioned "outfit grade" in my general overview of Pokémon outfits in Café Remix. It's an aspect that is definitively linked to the feature, to be sure, but my mention of it really only scratches the surface of the aspect. Therefore, I thought of expanding the aspect to a fuller write-up with greater details, and I've decided to take this post for that purpose. It also becomes one of the things I want to discuss about the game over the course of this month.

As noted, friendship boosts or repeated copies of the same outfit are the ways to increase the outfit grade. They're also linked to obtaining (hiring as staff) the Pokémon representative of the outfits because... that is what in fact happens with the first one: the representative Pokémon becomes appealed to join the staff with the first friendship boost in its regular outfit - or with just the special outfit if the regular outfit version hasn't joined - and thus the friendship boost also boosts the outfit grade of the regular outfit. This is why the monthly Premium Pass since the Delivery function change (which also contains my earlier notes) contains five instances of the Pokémon: one to allow it to join with the regular outfit, and four to increase its outfit grade for that outfit; this is similarly accomplished outside of the Premium Pass with Pokémon obtained through events.

Thus, the first friendship boost or outfit could be thought of as "Outfit Grade 0" since it's the base of everything, though the game doesn't really warrant that as a consideration. What is to be considered is that each outfit grade increases the puzzle score of a Pokémon with the respective outfit by a percentage, which is cumulative for higher outfit grades. Some Pokémon with specific outfits may also be able to start a stage with a skill icon already in the puzzle without having to use an item, as is the case with Pachirisu that I previously mentioned. Outfit Grade 4 is obviously the highest outfit grade, and it has the highest added score percentage, as well as a score boost for the usage of one of its abilities. It goes without saying that the (highest) outfit grade can and should be pursued.

What becomes a challenge is certainly the effort to obtain those outfit grades. Those who frequently use the Delivery function will likely have obtained Outfit Grade 4 for almost all regular Pokémon and lesser grades for maybe a few others in special outfits. Unfortunately, it is those Pokémon that will prove difficult to have their outfit grades raised to Outfit Grade 4; if one is lucky, Outfit Grade 2 might be obtainable, but otherwise Outfit Grade 4 is a dream. As for those from events, whether the instances for higher outfit grades are provided is totally up to the event structure and key Pokémon, but at least some of the possibilities may remain open to be taken advantage of.

In a way, the aspect of outfit grades for Pokémon in Café Remix goes deep in itself just as it can go somewhat deeper in explanation to understand it. And that depth has now become rather ingrained and bordering on essential for many players, so an understanding of it is wise and could unlock the potential for greater success for players and their Pokémon at the café with their various outfits.

Four years ago: Pokémon Helmet Covers?
Six years ago: Go at Home
Seven years ago: Paint It, Picross

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