Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Let's Go Rediscover and Renew

I've yet to make this month's event rollup for Pokémon Go for certain reasons, and that will come later on. For now, I'd like to discuss about a somewhat major update that the game has had, which is substantially more so than a regular event and thus deserves its own treatment. The major part of this update is sweeping changes that are directed to make a Trainer take another look at their world and view it differently - and for that reason, it's been dubbed as the "Rediscover" update. It sounds significant, and it is in fact as such.

With this update, now one can see a greater variety of environmental attributes (called "biomes") on the overworld and Pokémon encounter screens, and as expected, some Pokémon might be gravitated to - that is, appear in - some biomes compared to others. One might see mountains  in the distance for extended mountainous areas, or one might see vibrant green areas for parks and forests. Some familiar areas might just become more dynamic in this case, and that does become a call for "rediscovery" to see how they work out.

"Rediscovery" also comes from inside out, as now Trainers have more body appearance customization options available. They can now adjust skin color, build, hair features (including length), and even facial expressions. This is, of course, another step in the direction of mirroring their real-life appearance to their in-game appearance... or for some it could be the other way around as well, in addition to the existing options available, including clothing and accessories. Obviously, the possibilities of different takes have been granted.

Taking pictures of Pokémon is one last part of this update full of "rediscoveries". Some Trainers might have noticed a few changes over the past weeks (and recently) in this regard, and they'll culminate at the start of the next month with a wild one for this feature. Granted, some of the changes may not have become evident in the best of ways, but they're still regardless a part of the update as billed in its features. This may be one that some Trainers might have to make a significant "rediscovery" on their own.

All told, this update has some of the flavors of the "Go Beyond" update from a while back, yet it's not as functionally sweeping as that update. It is still a significant update in any regard - one that changes lots of things and goes beyond the usual norm of events (again, for which this month is due to be rolled up) - and as such requires a significant discussion beyond that as well. At least some renewed sense of exploration is instilled with the spirit of this update, and that may be the prime "rediscovery" to be sought after.

Two years ago: The Flame of Cyndaquil

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