Monday, April 15, 2024

Pokémon Profile Frames and Video Backgrounds

I've just gotten off a routine audio call (could have been video, but it was decided to be just audio this time) with a couple of good Pokémon friends of mine. While the setting was kind of meager yet workable, it also got me thinking about ways to improve that setting. One of the ways to do so is by having special profile frames and video backgrounds featuring Pokémon. While these may not necessarily be supported across all platforms for audio and/or video calling, they could still be considered nice touches for when they are supported and/or the opportunity arises.

Regarding profile frames, most platforms nowadays have circular profile images, which might make it a little hard to apply a circular border manually. Still, it's not impossible, and I can think of a way to create a circular border inspired by the design of the Pokémon logo. On the other hand, other platforms may support external borders - though in some cases not freely - and a selection of one of these external borders, particularly one that evokes Pokémon, might be just workable. The solution for this seems platform-dependent and may need ingenuity.

As for video backgrounds, some platforms may allow background images to be set directly within them, with or without the aid of a "green screen", and that may very well be convenient and workable - in the Pokémon case, using a Pokémon image. Whether or not that's the case, one could also set up an actual backdrop to be used in video calls, and that backdrop could contain a Pokémon image. This would have to be prepared beforehand, but in doing so, it could become a universal solution no matter the platform. Some things will still depend on the call participants.

The use of profile frames and video backgrounds that feature Pokémon in calls over certain platforms is inherently optional - evidently none of my friends and I used them in our previous call - but for those who make frequent calls, both audio and video, and especially regarding Pokémon in some way, the use may very well be warranted or even necessitated. Any or all the solutions above might help in that regard. As for my (our) personal case, the next time a regular opportunity for a call arises, we might think about these solutions... or not, and enjoy the Pokémon call regardless.

Two years ago: Love Nature, Find Beauty

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