Friday, April 12, 2024

Making Road Runs with Pokémon

I had mentioned a few days ago that one of the things that Pokémon has pervaded is running races, specifically those carried out by people and on roads. This case has also assumed a form and a name: Pokémon Run. The premise is a typical running race on a road but with a Pokémon twist, featuring a few thematic inclusions over the length of the run - and then of course all the Pokémon adjuncts that go with it. It has become its own thing, so it seems appropriate to gloss it over.

And indeed it has become as such, even way back at the local PFJ event over a year ago, which I neglected to mention. Back then, the run happened on December 11 in two categories: a 3K "family run" and a 5K "fun run"; both also took place in the vicinity of the mall for and general area of the local event. It becomes obvious that I wasn't present at that time, but given the current state of affairs, the reception must have been very good as with the Pokémon event overall and in general.

The result is that Pokémon Run comes back this year... or rather, came back, as it was held alongside the PIJ in Bali event on the Sunday of that period. I (or rather, Ash) had the opportunity to check things out on that morning just before the rush to go back, and we got to see the warm-up for the run, although not the run itself. Even with all the Pokémon elements, it was still a true running race, which does mean a lot of things for both those who participate and me.

For that, I have to admit that I'm not really in the physical condition to participate in one, even if another does come up; it's a Pokémon Run, not a walk, the latter of which I prefer even at a brisk pace. The registration fee, from what I recollect about the Bali edition, is also a little steep, with or without the "race pack" containing the gear and associated merchandise for running, which would be the only thing I'm interested in. Other than that, it seems other Pokémon endeavors are fit for me.

Still, the idea of a thematic running race event like this is a novel one for both runners and Pokémon fans (or runners who are Pokémon fans). They get to enjoy both running and Pokémon at the same time, possibly becoming a new experience for both that is somewhat different from what both usually entail. Either way, the pervasiveness of Pokémon becomes rather evident for this novelty, becoming a form that many people can get fit with and/or fit into.

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