Thursday, April 11, 2024

Leafeon Apple Shampoo for My Needs

Around half a year ago, I had mentioned one of the "unexpected" collaborations of Pokémon, which would be the licensing deal with local brand Yuri for their "dee-dee" line of children's hygiene products, as soaps and shampoos. Recently, I've found myself needing to change my shampoo, and that suddenly made the usage of one of the shampoo versions from this line to be rather viable - and so I took the plunge for its usage, even with it being a little outside of its scope. 

My hairstylist, the one I now currently trust to deal with my hair including for Pokémon cosplay needs, told me to change to a "no-frills" shampoo due to the condition of my hair before the switch. While other kinds of "no-frills" shampoo exist, I settled on the "dee-dee" line due to the Pokémon tie-in, and because it would be like "washing a wig" anyway: some have used children shampoo to wash wigs for cosplay, and since the "wig" I use most often is practically attached to my hair, it made some sense.

For this purpose, I settled on the apple-scented shampoo, since I also like the same scent as it is used in the hand soap from the same line. It was given a tie-in with Leafeon on the bottle's front, which I'm sure is a nod to the type of the Pokémon as well as its general color. The scent is not overpowering and is more subtle, alleviating one of my concerns, but most importantly, it functions as a plain, "no-frills" shampoo that would fill the direction of my hairstylist to take care of my hair outside of their care.

I have been using the shampoo for some time now, and I can say that it seems to have been a worthwhile decision. It gets the job of cleaning my hair done well and has had no apparent side effects; moreover, my hairstylist has approved it by looking at the results - even though I did not tell them what shampoo I switched to. I obviously benefit from this arrangement due to the results for my circumstances as above, though for real wigs, other cosplayers will likely benefit from a neutral shampoo instead.

By now, the licensing deal for the tie-in seems to have disappeared, but the shampoo itself will likely remain in production - and that would be good news for me and my hair needs. The tie-in itself will still grace the shampoo bottle, which I can refill with the shampoo, and I would still consider that the Leafeon shampoo as it is and will still be. While "unexpected" as the tie-in may be, it just seems to work on different levels, even at the level of this Pokémon fan who needed and got a workable shampoo.

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