Monday, April 29, 2024

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 4/29/2024

This month is almost at an end, and more or less so are the events in Pokémon Go, so it's time to roll them up. And there's quite a bit of that in this month, which is something to behold, especially when compared to this time last year (other than Community Day as below). So, it is (was) a busy month in a way, and that means the rollup can be considered busy as well.

Like last year, my April Fool's Day coverage was also a hint to what was happening in Pokémon Go. Dubbed "An Excellent Opportunity", for the entire day (April 1), all Nice and Great throws became Excellent throws - that is, as long as they landed within the colored circle when capturing Pokémon. While Field Research allowed Spinda to be encountered, Timed Research gave out mostly capture balls, with the most ornery task being making 25 Excellent (Nice) throws - not as easy as one might think even with the above bonus. Some people evidently made a fool of themselves on this day with what was given.

Next, from April 4 to 9, there was the Sizeable Surprises event, featuring Pokémon of all kinds of sizes, like the tiny Joltik and massive Wailmer. These (with increased Shiny chance bonus for the latter and the debut of Shiny Wimpod) joined other Pokémon of size extremes in the wild, Field Research task rewards, and even in raids, complemented by bonuses of double XP for captures with Nice or better throws as well as increased XXS and XXL encounter chances. Collection Challenges and themed showcases upped the ante of the event, and it seems Trainers really had a whale of a time with the eclectic sizes.

From April 12 to 17, Bug Out made its return with a smattering of Bug-type Pokémon, also in the wild, Field Research task rewards, and raids. Many of them also became part of Collection Challenges, a rather intensive set this time around. The double XP bonus returned, this time complemented with increased Candy and Candy XL chances as well as chances to find Shiny versions of Combee and Burmy. The remaining complements were new Bug type-inspired fashion items and themed showcases for the Pokémon. Also during this time was a Mega Heracross Raid Day on April 13 featuring its debut, with the usual bonuses of increased free raid passes and Shiny chance along with a paid ticket for even more free passes and increased XP, Stardust, and Rare Candy XL chance; successful raids also increased Pokémon appearances locally for 15 minutes. The Bug types were diverse and so were the opportunities.

In conjunction with the Rediscover update, the Rediscover Kanto event started on April 22 (23 in some places) and will persist until May 9, making this one a presently ongoing event transgressing months. During this time, Pokémon from this region appear more often in the newly instituted biomes, marking their places in them; they are complemented by bonus XP from weekly-daily catch and spin streaks as well as faster Friendship level increases. The families of starter Pokémon also have their own bonuses, with increased Shiny chances for them in their biomes, the special attacks (from previous Community Days) for the final evolved forms, and the respective Mega Energy from Field Research. A new, non-guided Special Research focused on the Pokémon can also be claimed. The update was semi-major, so the accompanying event had to be as such in some ways as well.

Sustainability Week also returned from April 22 to 26. In what seems to be a more minor repeat, only a select few nature-themed Pokémon appeared in 2 km Eggs and Field research task encounters; two of them (Drilbur and Trubbish) along with their evolved forms were featured in a Collection Challenge, the latter with a special Spotlight Hour appearance. Bonuses this time were of the Buddy Pokémon sort, with greater chances for souvenirs and presents, longer presence on the map, and decreased distance for a heart; showcases were also present with the themed Pokémon. Overall, the event wasn't too lavish and just fulfilled its purpose (sustainability) plainly.

Capping off the month was Cleffa Hatch Day that took place on April 28. As with earlier editions, the featured Pokémon was gotten through 2 km Eggs more often from PokéStops with increased Shiny chance and double hatch Candy. A free Timed Research set rewarded a Super Incubator and XP, while a paid ticket provided another set with the same rewards plus a Star Piece and a double hatch Stardust bonus. New to this edition are extended bonuses starting from April 26 up to the event day, with halved Egg hatch distance, event Field Research tasks, and event bundles on the Web Store and in-game shop. The event had more going for it this time around.

April of this year in Pokémon Go was quite happening, with some returning events and formats in addition to some unique surprises as with sizes and capture throws, not to mention the instituted Rediscover update. And that is not just a fool's errand, even given what this month usually starts off with - the events just set their own tone.

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