Wednesday, April 10, 2024

A Song in My Heart, The Air That I Breathe

Well, today's a certain special day that I've touched on in past years but never directly, and that will seemingly always be the case. As such, my dealing with it on this blog, besides involving Pokémon as expected, can only be based on the goings-on of that day. One potential part of that is a certain song that has intense statements and feelings but is actually slightly divisive as to how it should be regarded - is it a love song, or a spiritual song? Regardless, I have found it appropriate to involve it in a discussion along with Pokémon for the presently appropriate time.

In lieu of citing the relevant lyrics of the song, I can describe its lyrical content in a general manner. The four key parts of the song are its two verses, chorus, and bridge. The verses deal with the desires and longing of a person for a certain entity, and in particular the ideals of that person vis-a-vis that entity, without which the person feels weak and lonely. The chorus deals with likening the entity to two things, which also happen to be in the title of this post (and thus the only direct lyrical address). The bridge reaffirms the desires and ideals presented in the verses, with and without the entity in question. Neither love nor spirituality elements are mentioned directly anywhere in the lyrics, yet the song itself seems to evoke both at the same time - perhaps depending on who one asks as well.

As for Pokémon connections, considering the song and its lyrics in a general sense, there are the ever-present connections between Trainers and their Pokémon and (to a lesser extent) Trainers and someone else they consider important. Love could certainly be involved somewhere in there, and that would fit in, being a potentially evoked theme of the song. Meanwhile, the things to which the song creates a likening could resemble the songs made by Pokémon like Jigglypuff and the Sweet Scent of certain Grass-type Pokémon. They seem to be always present no matter what, and so they linger in one's heart or ethereally - also admitted and affirmed in the song's bridge.

Spiritually, there is always a kind of desiring and longing around this special day, especially given that "break" I've mentioned recently, and the day in fact marks something significant for that. Going into it with more detail on this blog is not what I'm interested in, but Pokémon remains an interest for me and many people (fans). In a way, it and its elements are perhaps the lingering song or air that the song mentions, which would be desired or longed for when it's missing in certain capacities.

Being somewhat indirect about the topic in question, the above discussion might not fully satisfy the curiosity of readers and/or Pokémon fans. On this special day, however, any sort of special sentiment - especially as suggested by the above - seems rather welcome, and that may just be what Pokémon evokes just as much as the song evokes. And as the song plays and the air is inhaled, Pokémon and real life continues to proceed.

Four years ago: Let's Get Going Today
Five years ago: Expecting the Detective
Seven years ago: Evolution Revolutions?

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