Friday, April 26, 2024

Animation Settings for Café Remix?

One more thing I'd like to discuss about Café Remix this month is yet another personal thing, which could also be considered as a "feature request" of sorts. The game contains a fair bit of in-game animation - for example Pokémon skills and star earning display in the stages. Those who like these visual effects will certainly let them play; even so, it's possible that some players will get tired of them even if they do still enjoy them. Thus, what I'm getting at is a feature request to deal with these animations - to control them, in other words, preferably through a setting.

In context, skipping animations is actually a trivial matter. When an animation plays during a stage, a tap will immediately dismiss the animation. As for animations outside a stage, most commonly on result screens, there is sometimes a "fast forward" (⏭️) icon on the upper right corner of the screen that will skip the animations or at the very least make them go faster. Having these controls is certainly useful and admittedly does allow some selectivity when one is ambivalent about skipping animations, but other times, one might just want to make it a done deal.

For this purpose, I propose additional settings for animations in the settings screen. The setting could be activated to skip automatically all animations in any place, or just stage animations or result screen animations. This would mean not having to tap the screen when an animation plays in stage or to tap the "fast forward" icon where it could be present, allowing one to become mindless about it during play. If these settings were to be in place right now, I would set it to "skip all" due to my inclination of focusing on special event stages as they appear.

The animations in Café Remix overall do provide a nice touch, but if my experience and possibly that of others could be of any indication, they can get ornery and repetitive, which could explain the rudimentary, manual skip controls in place above. What seems to be able to make them better, potentially, would be actual settings that control the skipping of animations automatically in certain cases as detailed above. The visual appearance of Café Remix is still its greatest strength, yet like certain powers, controlling them may be necessary for some improvement.

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