Sunday, April 21, 2024

Cosplay: ChibiCon 4 x ICGP Regionals 2024

Goh: Well, ChibiCon is big, all right.

Ash: This one looks different!

Me: Indeed it is. Because DJF is no more, something else has to host ICGP Regionals... and that's where we are. 

Goh: Other than that, I think other things should be similar.

Me: Well, I think so too. And as usual, the convention runs for two days - but obviously I couldn't send Ash the other day

Ash: OK, so what do you want me to do today? 

Pikachu: Pi pika? ["What's in mind?"]

Me: For today - with your Hoenn outfit - just think of the convention as a "reunion" - a way to connect me with other people, warmly. Oh, and by being here today, we keep our attendance record...

Goh: I noticed that. I guess you do want to keep it that way.

Me: Sure, why not. Also, the convention changed places again. 

Ash: It's back in the big mall! But I think it's much better that way.

Me: Yeah, the other one had a stuffy and cramped hall. This one is much bigger and better.

Goh: OK, what was the structure like? 

Ash: After I went in, there were a few communities. Then all the creators were in the big hall along with the stage. Outside of that was food and drink, a sitting space, and the exit.

Me: Sounds like they used the hall wisely. Let's see - who did you connect with? 

Ash: A few Pokémon people in the hall! 

Goh: Did you get something for our friend? 

Ash: I did - he's been waiting a long time for this one.

Me: OK, I can't wait. Who else? 

Ash: A bunch of music gamers! They had a game with nine buttons, and I played it a bit today for you.

Me: Ooh! That's a rare one. Thanks, and I hope you had fun.

Ash: Yeah! You would have liked some of what I played. 

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["Very nice!"]

Goh: Cool! But I guess you met our friend's friends too.

Ash: A lot of them, everywhere. And too many to list too. I even got into a discussion to meet others.

Goh: Oh, a discussion? On what?

Ash: People like our friend, then and now. I didn't catch most of it since our friend told me to go eat, but it looks like social media might affect that. 

Me: Well, I do have a reason to believe the people there are right. So many things have happened after I connect with them there.

Goh: Including this one!

Me: Right. 

Goh: So, we can say our friend really has lots of friends, including at conventions. Speaking of, what else went on today? 

Ash: I didn't see much on stage, but what happened didn't have things on stage because of the ICGP thing.

Goh: And what about that thing?

Me: I can answer that based on one of my friends in it. They had the dress rehearsal, outfit judging, and performance competition today.

Ash: I think I missed the last one - it was right about when you told me to eat.

Sorry about that. I think the schedules changed slightly too for that.

Goh: That is a little frustrating. What about what Ash missed on the first day?

Me: By my info, there would have been bands, dance groups, and the character parade, which I actually wanted Ash in instead of...

Goh: what happened the other day?

Me: Yeah, you can say that. And there was one band in particular that I wanted Ash to check out.

Ash: Oh! If that's the one, I met the drummer during the discussion. Funny how that worked out.

Pikachu: Pi pika chu. ["How interesting."]

Me: Well then. You know, I guess we made great use of the convention as a "convention" in a true sense today rather than to seek rewards from it. 

Goh: The "reward" was Ash connecting for you.

Me: Not the reward I was thinking of, but sure. Anyway, once again this little (chibi) convention has grown beyond its roots.

Ash: So did the fun!

Me: That too. Now, we can always expect the little big things whenever this one comes about.

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