Sunday, April 28, 2024

Pokémon on a Budget

Besides struggling with current "slowdown" problems, I'm also slightly struggling with some fund issues at the moment, and that has caused a lot of things to be scaled down or redirected, including for Pokémon matters. Funds are inherently important to some of the Pokémon experience, especially nowadays, but if a post from the very first year of this blog indicates, some Pokémon things can be gotten even after making certain financial initiatives. This post can then be regarded as a "continuation" of the spirit of that post, this time with a little more "budget-minded" spirit.

Presently, many gamers with serious (or even just semi-serious) skills will likely already possess a mobile device for playing some current "canon" games. For those who do, they can already start on a few Pokémon initiatives as well, the two main ones I recommend being Pokémon Go (to take in the "spirit" of the world even in a simplified and semi-realistic format) and Pokémon Unite (to reach out to some deeper things and to collaborate with others). Sure, once they get serious about them, then it might not become so "budget", but the basic experience is there even for those without one.

As for other budget "initiatives", the current Trading Card Game Live platform is nicely designed for those interested in the TCG but can't spare the "budget" for certain aspects beyond funds or finances. Those who already have the Nintendo Switch - possibly as the only budget option having been made - can enjoy Pokémon Unite and even Café Remix on there, which are definitely "budget" game choices and surely long-lasting ones, as some players like me can attest with their addictive qualities, and they may not even need to go out on a limb with their "premiums". 

Even if the fact of the matter is that some Pokémon games can only be had by having spared some budget for them (specifically, the devices that can be used to play them), it is at least comforting to know that some budget-minded options can still be made afterwards for play that takes even less toll on the budget. It's a comforting fact for me to keep in mind as I deal with my current fund issues, after which I'll hopefully have some funds to spare for more Pokémon games and things and expand my budgetary options for them as my other ones also expand.

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