Tuesday, April 9, 2024

All Gym Leaders' Meetings?

One of my other games has a regularly scheduled meeting at or near the beginning of the month for those who play, within the game itself (it's an MMO, which allows for this to happen). It's dubbed as a meeting of them representing various "guilds", coming together to update each other on general info. It becomes a sight, but what would also be a sight is seeing - or at the least, imagining - such a thing happening for Pokémon, and not necessarily through a game. In my mind, that would involve a certain group of supreme Trainers in and across regions.

By the title of this post, they would of course be Gym Leaders (and/or others of similar capacity), and the meeting would involve them all. Like the meeting in the MMO, they could gather up in a sufficiently sized hall at an assigned time, exchange information on current happenings, and connect personally with another if necessary. As for frequency, the meeting wouldn't have to happen once a month, given their other usual business; they could still meet once every two or three months, and all would (still) be fine.

A meeting for Gym Leaders would perhaps decidedly be smaller in scale and possibly scope compared to the MMO meeting, even if it had a similar structure in any way. Even so, it would likely carry greater weight due to Gym Leaders being who they are, being supreme Trainers as I mentioned above. They would be moving not only themselves but also the regular Trainers they come into contact with as challengers, associates, and friends, especially if important Pokémon issues come to light.

Do Gym Leaders even associate, though? Those of and from a single region might find reasons to do so, one of which might be convenience, and they can use the meeting as a regular regional forum for Pokémon affairs in that region. A cross-region association would be less likely to happen unless prompted, but a meeting could still happen, albeit not as regularly. Any form of association will regardless become a precursor to grand meetings like that which I've postulated as above.

It may be hard to imagine Gym Leaders initiating a meetup, something that would be a side activity from their normal activity. Still, they are Trainers, Trainers are people, and people are or at least tend to be social - which then goes back to them initiating meetups like the one in the MMO as above. People in the world of Pokémon are likely to be of no exception, particularly Gym Leaders, and a social push by them might just lead to an initiative like the meetup.

Four years ago: Pokémon Upbringings
Five years ago: Benefits

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