Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Mountains of Faith: Mount Lanakila

Before the month closes up, it's time to finish off my "four fours" series for this month regarding certain mountains in the Pokémon world and their relation to certain elements of faith. Appropriately, it ends at a pinnacle of the Alola region, being Mount Lanakila on Ula'ula Island. In contrast to the other mountains that I've discussed in the series, this one could be thought of as having a totally different element of faith; in fact, it can be described as a "test" of faith.

One reason for this is that the mountain is really only accessible at the end... as the Pokémon League and the Elite Four await at the top, as the traditional end to any regional Trainer's journey. The path that one traverses in order to get to the summit is essentially the region's implementation of Victory Road, even if it isn't described as such: there are strong Trainers and strong Pokémon about. It is a "test" of faith by any stretch of the word.

Faithful readers of this blog will also note that the mountain also became a (part of a) prolonged "test" of faith for me twice over... although for this purpose, I'll let readers comb through my posts for that by themselves. Yet in some ways, the "test" also applies - or applied - to Professor Kukui, as the task fell upon him for the inception of the region's first Pokémon League. The tests may have been different, but the faith is still pretty much the same.

It takes some faith to get through this mountain - but then, the same applies for the previous mountains, if the faith is not already present within them. Once past that, though, Trainers might just appreciate the faith they possess (here, furthermore for the last challenge) and that which is present in the mountains. With that, my faith-defining journey through Pokémon mountains ends here, though there is always more faith to discover above and beyond these mountains.

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