Thursday, August 29, 2024

Being Emotionally "Invested"

At times, I can feel a sense of sadness in things that are not even sad. For example, a happy scene might for me instead conjure sad thoughts about its composition. I've taken to refer this as being "emotionally 'invested'", and it's a strange feeling to have at times. Fortunately and readily, this doesn't occur for me with regard to Pokémon things, although some things have come close in that regard. Even with this fact, as I've stated, it's a strange feeling, and I thought I'd discuss this and how close it can get to Pokémon matters.

For that, it seems the closest things can get for Pokémon would be with models showing off Pokémon things, much like those found in the online Pokémon Center newsletters - at least by my own experience of becoming emotionally 'invested' with other matters. If they are depicted in certain ways, it could be a trigger for this feeling. It would seem that illustrations don't trigger the feeling, unless they are really and truly sad - but that's beyond the scope of my experience. Thus it seems that the experience is really specific.

Meanwhile, other people whom I interact with indicate that they understand how I feel, but they do not necessarily indicate of having the same sentiments, with Pokémon or otherwise. They likely will feel the usual sense of melancholy - as I've hinted above with really and truly sad things - but not the sadness in the sense of my being emotionally "invested". That seems to factor even more into the strangeness and specificity of my feelings, for which only certain circumstances lead to such feelings.

Having said all that, it really seems that such feeling of being emotionally "invested" is personal - specific to my case - and generated by things outside of (that is, not involving) Pokémon rather than anything related to Pokémon. Still, it doesn't preclude the possibility that it might occur for something Pokémon if the conditions and depictions are just so. At least, most Pokémon things can serve as an escape from these feelings, allowing me to "invest" in them in other ways besides with emotions.

Three years ago: Respect for Veronica Taylor
Five years ago: Adventurous Families
Six years ago: Media Master
Seven years ago: Catching Up

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