Friday, August 23, 2024

"Spending Better" vs. "Better to Spend"

If there is any fact that holds true for anything Pokémon, it is that some amount of spending is (eventually) necessary to get the best of things - experiences, collectibles, and so on. I've touched on the topic of spending in different ways, one of which pertained to regional preferences, and I'm about to do so in another way. This time, it regards aspects that could be considered as "proxies" for "quality" and "quantity", a duality that is often considered in various areas.

"Spending better" would be the "quality" proxy. This would mean considering whether spending achieves (or is/was to achieve) the intended objectives. If the objectives are achieved and the price is right - or even, if more objectives than the intended ones were achieved though the price was way off - then spending may be classified as "good", at least better in relative to similar spending for other things. The justification too could be somewhat relative but still can be made somehow.

"Better to spend" is then the "quantity" proxy. This recalls, or is very much reflective of, the "splurging" notion, one of my "Four Notions" from way, way, way back, and would mean making spending to certain amounts. As with things that reflect "quantity" in general, it sounds like it could be terrible, but it could be useful in some circumstances, especially when not performed needlessly and carelessly.  That also depends on the spender's other perspectives.

For my own case, the Nintendo Switch Lite that I purchased some time ago has been a case of "spending better", at least at the time; now it seems to reflect, in some aspects, a case of "better to spend", but that's more because of other things I have going on. A truly free me can aim to make it a case of the former rather than the latter by playing more Pokémon games on it and more extensively, which would also necessitate "spending better" on them, on the ones I want and need to play.

Then there is the case of the PIJ Bali event and the associated travel. In some ways and even now, it could be perceived as a "better to spend" case, especially with what went on at its tail end. Yet considering current quandaries - perhaps more on this soon - and what transpired at the time of the event, it is possible to regard it as "spending better", even if the resolution of those quandaries may lead to different ways of regarding the matter. That resolution may just shed the light.

At any rate, I'm likely due for more spending on Pokémon, whether by necessity or the spur of the moment. The results of the spending, particularly as dictated by the circumstances, would then have to be put under the scrutiny of the proxying aspects above. Still, in either case, I would get the best of Pokémon things under any circumstance, at least as they would allow. Beyond spending "quality" and "quantity", that's something to be regarded in the best way for any loyal fan of Pokémon.

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