Monday, August 12, 2024

Absurdly Heavy Pokémon Matters

I've been thinking about certain matters recently that are absurdly (that is, really) heavy - more so in weight than in burden, but there's still some of the latter involved - and it's getting me down. Particularly, I'm thinking of how I would deal with them since I'd be alone in doing so, although in that regard I've always been alone myself (a separate topic that may or may not be discussed later). I'm then reminded that Pokémon has a few absurdly matters of its own that may just be as hard to deal with as mine, but that doesn't stop people from dealing with them - just as I've taken to write about them.

Some Pokémon of the normal size and of the more regularly encountered kind are notably of the rather weighty sort. Snorlax is evidently one of them, and a particularly renowned one at that, whose matters of sleeping and eating does carry some weighty consequences. A less weighty one but slightly more burdensome is Muk because of its Poison type and tendency to smother people and objects around it. Regardless, the weight that they have makes things somewhat absurd, if they aren't already are themselves.

Meanwhile, there are the Ultra Beasts - at least some of them - that flaunt their weight coming from the Ultra Space. A particularly (and literally) striking one is Celesteela, whose immense size and Steel type is particularly indicative of its weight; not far behind would be Guzzlord, which is also immense and thus weighty in its own right. Not all the Ultra Beasts are as weighty as these two, but these ones are the most telling and absurd for their scales - and the problems that they could possibly cause.

One final absurdly heavy matter is more on the situation and less on the Pokémon, as it concerns the tumbling asteroid in the first Mystery Dungeon games. The only counter for this is the Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza, which is admittedly weighty on its own, but it serves as an effective counter nonetheless. In some ways, the situation is absurd as well, yet - at least on the asteroid portion - realistically possible.

What seems quite apparent is that even with Pokémon, there is no escaping certain absurdly heavy matters, whether it's by the weight of the elements involved in the situation or the gravity of the situation itself. As for my own absurdly heavy matters, I'll have to think about them some more - hopefully not too heavily - but the reminder of the ones related to Pokémon at least serves as a bit of a comfort while doing so.

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