Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Mountains of Faith: Mt. Silver

Next in this month's "four fours" on the subject of regional Pokémon mountains and seeking the faith embedded in them is appropriately a mountain from the next region in line. It is, of course, Mt. Silver, the mountain in the far eastern portion of the region and straddles the boundary between Johto and Kanto. If the previous mountain could be said to "embody" faith, this one could perhaps be described as one for "finding" faith instead, obviously based on its particular characteristics as the previous one.

That said, this mountain is indeed emblematic of its label, as it towers above the region where it is situated, complete with a snow-capped peak of its own. Appropriately, the slopes of the mountain are inhabited by Ice-type Pokémon, most notably Sneasel that also has a Dark countenance about it. It's also a place for some tough Pokémon, in line with its rough environment, and it too is where Red stands by for those who are willing to find and battle him, this very well being an act of "finding" faith.

So it was that I had to undertake that "faith-finding" act whenever said mountain came up in the games, something which I have to say was reluctant to initially. After that, things proceeded as expected with Red; what happens next was understandably so for both of us, and somewhere within that were shreds of faith to be gathered ("found"). With the faith having been "found", so was the commitment for this and other Pokémon things that followed - though not necessarily in the same conical and towering shape as this mountain.

Being a true mountain in many ways, its environment had to faithfully reflect that - a rough terrain with a peak "surprise" at the end. To "find" faith in such a place could be considered to be an undertaking that would be reflective of certain commitments for and toward Pokémon, as evidenced by what I had to go through, something that could be similarly experienced by many Pokémon fans who go through it the same way that I did. It's a transition in a certain way, just like how the mountain sits at the transition point between two regions.

Five years ago: The Changing of Boxes
Six years ago: Toy Block Pokémon?
Seven years ago: Cosplay Briefings

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