Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Adventures of Pikachu and Snorlax

I'm currently engrossed in something that's way, way unrelated to Pokémon, but it's another one of those things I've always liked for a very long time. As such, it's also a part of me in a way, even a small one. While I'm not interested in discussing it directly on this blog, I can discuss it in Pokémon terms instead to comply with the main focus of this blog, and this would also be a manifestation of the "Pokémon Challenge" I brought up a time ago. So, that's exactly the purpose of this post. 

The thing that I'm referring to could be described as an adventure (or adventures) of two Pokémon - in lieu of people or Trainers - who are really great friends with each other. One of them is a Pikachu who has not only good Electric moves but also a cunning mind, while the other is a Snorlax who isn't particularly bright in mind but is actually very strong in physique, even if the latter tends to be a "loafer". They live in a natural community along with a diverse group of other Pokémon, and their leader happens to be a Magnezone that is always accompanied by two Magnemite. Yet if others have anything to say, it's Pikachu and Snorlax that are the true leaders. 

As a community, the Pokémon may sometimes stand together against invaders, particularly against ones from the southeast led by what seems to be a Shadow Lugia. The invaders themselves are Pokémon of the Rock and Steel types, which present a type disadvantage for the two, but they always seem to overcome that. Still, in many cases, it's the binding together of the community that helps everyone to push back the invaders and allow them to maintain a foothold on their territory, no matter how small it may be in comparison. That is also helped by a distinct source from which they gain some extra power that is definitely needed to accomplish the above.

For the matter, a Gengar who knows the mystical secrets of the Pokémon body and soul that belongs to their community has the knowledge of creating a brew - more like an Elixir in soup form than a Potion - from the substances in the forest surrounding the community, with effects that are significant in strength, allowing the Pokémon of the community to do what they need to do. That's not to say that the Pokémon don't also rely on their own abilities and skills as the magnificent creatures they are; they in fact do so alongside the powers that the brew gives them, and the brew becomes their hallmark alongside the two Pokémon.

One more aspect: their adventures often take place within the community and the forest, but sometimes they take them far beyond, sometimes within the territory of the invaders and other times in yet other territories that even the invaders can't (or aren't yet able to) reach. In any case, after the successful completion of the objectives of their adventures, the community holds a banquet in honor of the two main Pokémon above that makes things happen - this banquet being tailored to the food stuff that the Pokémon consume, for sure. In that sense, they possess some heroic qualities and the adventures are much like that of Trainers.

Whew - after all that, some people ought to have gotten the references, particularly those in Europe and live close to its western region to consume its pop culture products. But then, Pokémon is a pop culture product of its own, one that is beloved even by fans of the above. The degree that it can be used to re-express that other pop culture product seems startling, and that may be considered a testament to its realistic quality that fans enjoy - even in the light of that other product that I'm also a fan of.

One year ago: Let's Go on Routes

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