Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Mountains of Faith: Mt. Moon

For this month's "four fours", I've found that I need to reaffirm myself of my approach in writing posts and the topics to cover in them, and I've found inspiration in a certain thing that implies that mountains can become a source of that... and so, I've taken to discuss some of the mountains of the Pokémon world, also with a few takes on them, including personal ones. Appropriately, the series of discussions starts out with the first well-known of them all - Mt. Moon in the Kanto region. At some point in time, any deserving Pokémon fan will have been exposed to this "mountain", and that includes me, way back when I had just started to get into Pokémon.

But first, some particulars. Earlier I wrote the place descriptor in quotes, because while it is as such, it's not exactly as towering as some of the later mountains - it's more like a mountain "pass". The location is of course home to some Pokémon now recognized as frequent cave dwellers (Geodude and Zubat) and those that would later be recognized as being of the Fairy type (Jigglypuff and Clefairy) - the latter of the second group also recognized for a large piece of rock that is reputed to have come from the moon, thus pretty much being the namesake of the mountain. It's definitely one with unique aspects all around.

As I was exposed to the first generation games, Mt. Moon was actually one of, if not the first place I was exposed to. At that time, I was also exposed to a number of the primary mechanics that the Pokémon main series games were known for back then and is still known for today to some extent. In a way, the exposure provided the initial affirmation that I am to go down the Pokémon path, which continued as I actually played the games myself. Essentially, Mt. Moon became a literal "mountain of faith" for my entry into Pokémon, and today I testify it as such.

If there's anything to be gained from Mt. Moon, it would be one of the unique places that are encountered for those whose Pokémon journeys started out in the first generation games - one of whom would be me. Its description (as a mountain) is a bit of a stretch, but it can be affirmed as the place that it is in many ways, and the affirmation also applies as the place is encountered on one's journey, specifically when Kanto is involved. Now that I'm writing - or rather, have written - about it, I'm certain that my faith in writing can continue.

Four years ago: The Look of Pikachu
Five years ago: There Is Always a Way
Seven years ago: Cosplay: Tomodachi 2

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